Beast Mode Life By Destroying Mental Blocks

in #steemexclusive2 years ago


Mental blocks are obstacles that we unknowingly place on ourselves when trying to complete a task or come up with a solution to a problem. They can also manifest randomly on days our mental health isent running at 100 percent. Mental blocks can affect us in different ways, mainly limiting our overall potential, and preventing us from achieving our goals.

When facing mental blocks, we often feel stuck and unable to move forward. We may feel overwhelmed, frustrated, or even hopeless. It's important to recognize these blocks and acknowledge their presence rather than avoiding or denying them. Once identified, the causes of the blocks reveal themselves and you can begin the process of overcoming them and living life again.

Work, relationships, personal growth, all of these things and more become difficult to navigate while you deal with the mental blocks you are facing. Hopelessness becomes the normal emotion to the point that you begin to wonder whether or not this has ever been different. You normalize failure and become content with the negativity. Here are some examples of common mental blocks as well as the steps needed to over come them.


A Fear of Failure
The belief that you will not succeed with anything you try doing, even if it's something you were easily accomplishing in the past. This can quickly transform into negative emotions like feelings of anxiety, low self-esteem and depression. The lack of motivation is also very common at this stage.


This issue is a common one. Although it's not directly related to any type of mental block for most, procrastinating is a major pitfall that can cause serious problems for a select few, especially with young adults.
I'm sure we have all gone through our own share of procrastination at one point or another, but for those that haven't and don't know what it is, procrastination involves delaying or postponing tasks that require immediate attention or priority. It is a habit that can affect one's productivity, time management, and overall well-being. However, it is not an impossible habit to overcome.

Lack of Self-confidence
This is another very common one but also key to enjoying life and being happy. It's basically impossible to be successful with anything without self confidence. Sometimes lacking confidence is triggered by stuff like constant negative criticism from others, trauma, toxic manipulation from an ex and even comparing yourself to others more than what is normal. Sometimes, refusing to acknowledge and fix this certain issue will eventually lead to a lack of assertiveness which turns us into pushovers and causes a whole new set of problems. Isolation is also inevitable once it gets this bad.


Stress and Anxiety
The final mental block I chose to talk about is going to be stress and Anxiety. These problems have become widespread and they affect people of all ages and backgrounds. These conditions can have a profound impact on mental health, cause physical health problems, and prevent people from enjoying a happy and fulfilling life. Fortunately, there are ways to manage and alleviate stress and anxiety, as well as everything else I have touched on in this article.

If all of this sounds familiar, then you happen to be exactly where you were meant to be at this moment.


The Solution ( first step of many )

Identify the source of the stress. Some of the most common stressors include work, finances, health, relationships, and unexpected life changes. Once you have identified the source of your stress, it is easier to find ways to deal with it. Practicing mindfulness is another surefire way to not only deal with stress and anxiety but most of the problems I have mentioned in this article. It involves being present in the moment without judgement. It can help reduce stress and anxiety by increasing awareness of your thoughts and emotions. Mindfulness can be practised through meditation, yoga, or simply taking a few deep breaths.

Getting adequate sleep is another problem most of us face which inevitably leads to these kinds of mental blocks. Do whatever needs to be done for this to happen. I doubt I have to explain further since we all know the bad habits we practice that keeps us awake.

As mentioned before, practicing relaxation techniques can make a world of a difference when it comes to our mental health. There are multiple exercises one can try and accomplish in this department. For the sake of time, Ill only share with you guys the two I enjoy myself.


Deep breathing
For this one, laying down is ideal but not necessary. First you take a long, slow, deep breathe in, then also let it out slow. It's important to try and use your core when inhaling. Almost like inhaling to fill your lungs to max capacity. As you breathe, you gently disengage your mind from distracting thoughts and problems you might be facing and focus only on the sound of your breathe. I like to picture myself on a big grass hill with nothing or nobody around. Just me and the view of the city too far to hear and bother me. You should also try and find a place with little to know noise so as to fully immerse yourself in your exercise. I know this can be hard to do, trust me. Maybe just put some headphones in with some nature sounds playing can do the trick.


Body scan
This one is my favorite. Again, it's better laying down but not necessary. Sometimes I'll do them both at the same time but go ahead and do what feels right for you. We are all different. After finding your area, you close your eyes and start at either your head or toes, and picture each muscle in your body relaxing and letting go of any tension it might be holding. Do this while actually relaxing that muscle not just picturing it. Do it all the way down your body until you have done it to every muscle. It might sound a little weird but trust me, you feel like a brand new person when done correctly.


As for procrastination, you are going to need to learn self discipline to undo this habit. Identifying the reasons is a good place to start. Anytime your day was ruined maybe set some time before bed and write down what exactly made you procrastinate and how you will prevent it from happening again. Also, putting too much on your plate can help. If there is a lot to do, figure out how to break up the task into smaller tasks so it doesn't feel as challenging.

Practice self-compassion. This will help all of the above. It is important to be kind to yourself and not let mistakes define how you see yourself. We are all human and will make mistakes. Learn to think about the failures and learn instead of just punishing yourself about them. It is okay to make mistakes and not be perfect. Practicing self-compassion can help in overcoming negative thoughts and feelings of inadequacy.


Self-awareness, mindfulness, and a determination to push past your recently acquired comfort zone will be key to getting back on track. Seeking support from loved ones or professionals can also provide you with the guidance and encouragement you need to finally get better. Although, if you are like me, then this is impossible. That's ok too. You are enough. You are strong. Never forget that.

In conclusion, mental blocks can hinder our progress and prevent us from achieving our goals in various aspects of our lives. Recognizing their presence and working towards overcoming them can help us reach our full potential and live a more fulfilled life.

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