Without My Own Funds I Am Dead

More than a month ago my pulmonologist diagnosed me with having tuberculosis, I just agreed because of the laboratory result showing that my lymphocyte and monocyte level are up when he asked for a complete blood count (CBC) test.
That is why I just agreed that I do have Tuberculosis considering that he only made a couple of test including my chest x-ray showing an impression in my lung which should be just fluids because I do have a long history of having fluids in my lungs.
The fluids in my lungs gets worse when I would load up on water. So nearing my dialysis day I am just having a trouble breathing before. My breathing only got an improvement after I was able to reduce my dry weight but still I believe that I do have some fluids in my lungs which showed in the x-ray.
Maybe the fluids in my lungs is due to my everyday positioning because I am always lying on my bed and that could be the factor that I always having this lung fluid issues.
There is no area in my house that I can stay without being uncomfortable. The wooden and plastic seat is a non-no for me to sit on as well as the bamboo seat in the living area so I always end-up here on my bed 24/7.
If only I could renovate this house and replace the bamboo sofa set with a comfortable softer seat or maybe buy myself a recliner that would be awesome.
But my hands are tied and I could not do anything at this point because I am just prioritizing my medical needs where I have to ensure myself some funds that I could readily pull like for example when I had my appendix removed, that would not be possible without my own money because no one really helped me with that except my sister while my eldest brother didn't even shared a cent while my other brother just loaned me money for me to be able to pay the hospital.
"You say that money isn't everything Well I'd like to see you live without it" - Silverchair
I am basically on my own regarding with my medical expenses and I also thank God that my mother also submits medical and financial requests to the government politicians and charity and social welfare office so that it could help to patch-up my medical needs particularly when my government health insurance would get all used up near the end of this year.
So we have to pay out of pocket for that so the assistance that my mother had collected will be the one that I will use for my succeeding dialysis sessions.
This time around I will also help with medical request because right now there is no need to go to the politician's offices because of the CoViD pandemic. The procedure now is done online so we just have to submit the required papers via email for the convenience and safety of everyone concerned.
Hi, @cryptopie. I'm going to delegate to you 6200 hive, but you have to promise me three things.
Is it a deal? For at least 3 months until September 30, 2020. After that, I don’t know. We’ll take it one step at a time. I don’t need a long answer or thank you or anything. You're my friend so no need for that. Just write one word “deal" below and I’ll hit the button. If you would like to decline, I also understand. Just say one word "later". Time is precious, so one word is fine.
What's his account name then?
He will post his artwork on Hive.
OK @gungho
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