My Father Was The One Who Is Sick Now

My father is the one who is sick today while my mother is slowly recuperating from her throat infection and still having some vertigo as well. I heard that she suffered from headaches but maybe due to her having the vertigo.
I myself also is suffering from vertigo but unlike my mother who just gets to vomit because of her spinning head. I know what vertigo is because I once had a bad case of it possible because of my Cinacalcet use.
Now my father has the flu and is having some cold so it is just worrisome for me because of the Pandemic as it could be a CoViD case. It is obviously not good especially for me that have an underlying illness.
So I asked my mother if they are taking Vitamin C and she told me that they were taking it. That is just our way of defending our bodies with these small invader viruses.
I myself could attest that Vitamin C work to defend the body against the flu or cold viruses because I could not remember when I did had some flu or cold after I had took some nonstop during these years that I had been a dialysis patient and I had been a dialysis patient for nineteen years now.
I can say that taking Vitamin C had attributed a good health benefit for me and my parents but maybe my parents are just too old and they are really susceptible from getting sick.
There is nothing that I could do really but to pray and hope for my father's recovery and hope and pray that it is not the CoViD that he is having because he has a weak lung having the cough as far back as he came working from abroad in the late 80's.
There are a lot of thoughts in my mind now because it gets scary. I do not want my lovedones to get sick especially now that I needed them in this kind of situation that we have, there is a pandemic and a cure for it is still not certain to arrive here in my country, it's scary, worrisome, dangerous and also expensive. I hope that this all will come to pass.