Start Writing Today with Motivational Morpheus

in #steememe7 years ago (edited)



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Start writing today!

Make your own Morpheus meme here.


thesis paper lmao! deathstar.jpg

What I find difficult about writing is that it needs to be valuable and have content . There is a lot to write about but its hard to stay on subject and keep it short. I'm still learning by doing.... Thank you for the motivation Kevin

That's more like spending time engineering a piece then :)

Yes, because I believe that it's not only about the story and information but also on the way it is told. Hopefully it will inspire the reader to do something with the information then simply reading it. Maybe thinking deeper about it, spread it to friends or even turning it into doing something. At least that's what I think.

all right, then lets start writing
There was a time, many decades ago, when THE MAN arrived at ...
oh wait..
am i doing it wrong ^^

You've already started it didnt you ;)

not yet, not seriously
the idea here is to find followers and new friends first before i.... wait for it.....
... spread the juice ^^ ;-)

It helps me to think of writing in casual way as "camping out" and sitting around the campfire telling stores.

Nice imagery! :)

First Matrix was a classic!

Ha! Agree totally. I JUST sent a text to my friend telling him to post his 3 page text paper here instead of text! Then i saw this CONFIRMED

Hahah that may work better actually! It would seem more authentic

What if I told you YOU are Morpheus, but not yet aware of that?

Mind = blown

What if I told you that I try my best and still cashing on 0.03 per post.... Great, motivational post @kevinwong

Still better than facebook..

Haha I love this post! I was just sat here with writers block thinking to myself what the heck do I blog about now? Now I know. Got chased by a crazy Pelican at a restaurant near my house and I have the video! 😂 Posting on my blog shortly!

Hahah sounds fun! Have at it :)

it's true. I'm have poor grammar and sentence structure skills but I'm just writing now as much as I can and I'll get better I know in time. The same way I've gotten better at my visual art skills. Steemit is really pushing me more coz it has a great built in incentive.

Yeah, it's a killer app ain't it.. ever thought of doing tutorials? really digging your viz art. or is that like a magician giving away their tricks?

You actually got me thinking now about how I can help with some tutorials. As a visual person I see a lot of things where Steemians could improve in the graphic language. Essentially visual and graphic grammar, structure. The same way writers here may see my short comings in writing, structure, proper punctuation and grammar. So not tutorials on my visual style but more on visual theory and it language.

@kevinwong you are good at writing, so I to have the same question have you ever thought about doing writing tutorials? Or for other writer this may be an interesting topic for Steemit posts.

Still for me it's more about if I have the time to do it. I have a lot of irons in the fire.

Have you registered on ? Please PM me when you're over there..

It's like a magician giving away their tricks. Sorry. I may do some in the future but not sure.

I am part of a few graphics groups and have seen tutorials from artists and then literally 100s of people blatantly rip off their style not making any effort to find their own. I learnt many of the same tutorials but I made a huge effort to decide to carve out my own style. It's tough coz I want to give back as an artist but I do give back in my own way. I'm very generous and fair in other ways.

@duanesworld is actually something alittle different than what I have been uploading to steemit this past week or so. It's more of an umbrella of everything I do. My art posts so far here are more of another identity my artist handle Master Control Program. I figured it would be good to post my MCP work to steemit to just get a start on things here to learn and then slowly creep in more of the @duaneworld brand in the upcoming posts. I basically have 2 identities atm the artist, Master Control Program and the umbrella brand Duane's World which will cover everything Duane and still include Master Control Program anyway.

Probably a little long winded and off topic, lol. Hope that made some sense.

But like I mentioned I may do some tutorials in the future. I did have one already in mind but I'm not sure when I can get to it. I need to get a handle on steemit in the meantime. Thanks for liking my art so far I really appreciate it.

HAHAH thanks for the laugh! :)

xD okay then maybe i should tag it as funny

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