The Sentimental Instability

in #steemcucrh6 years ago


Have you ever wondered: Why can not I maintain a relationship? For many years I have witnessed many sentimental failures among young people, who have tried again and again to establish a relationship and have failed. I believe that if you have happened more than once in this situation you will understand me.
I think that nobody wants to make a mistake when choosing the person with whom you want to spend the rest of your life, at least I think that if you are looking to start a relationship is because you want to conclude it with Marriage, since a child of God can not afford to walk "hummingbird", that is to say that God's will is that we be serious when it comes to entering into a loving relationship.


Now, why is there so much sentimental instability among young people? Could it be that God is the culprit that makes you fall in love and fail ?, Definitely "NO", those responsible for our failures are ourselves, since I have always believed that we are the architects of our future, since what you decide in the present, will have great weight in the future, whether for good or for bad.
That is why I want to give you some of the reasons why there is often a sentimental instability in your life and how to be free from failure in this area.

When I refer to Sentimental Instability, I refer to all that feeling that leads me to fail continuously in the love relationship that I want to engage and that does not allow me to settle head, thus damaging my heart and often the heart of a second person .
Many young people when they fail sentimentally ask themselves questions like: Could it be that I do not love? Maybe I'm selfish in love? Will I choose wrong? Maybe I'll be alone forever?
But all this is due to Sentimental instability, which can be given for several reasons, as I will describe to you below.


THE EXCESSIVE PERFECTION: Many young people are looking for perfect boyfriends and as the months go by and they get to know each other more, they find flaws that make them disappointed. I agree that in the courtship the person is known and it is still time to make a decision such as not to marry that person, but the bad thing is that you have 4 or 5 relationships which have ended with the same, this is to look for perfection, I believe that instead of trying which person is more perfect, you would have to pray more asking God for direction so that you do not go playing with the feelings of the people. What you do have to understand is that the excessive search for perfection can lead to instability while you can not overcome this area.

LOS CELOS: Definitely speaking of CELOS is to speak of insecurity, that is to say that where there is jealousy, there is insecurity, in addition the Bible says that jealousy is the work of the flesh (Galatians 5: 19-21), so we can say that that person that is dominated by jealousy is a person who has neglected his personal relationship with God and his spirituality is low and is dominated more by his flesh than by the Holy Spirit. Jealousy among Christians should not exist if we see it from the spiritual point of view, since a person who practices Christian principles is a person who respects their sentimental relationship and will not allow for insecurity before being faithful to their partner He has to be faithful to GOD.

THE IMMATURE: I consider that one of the most common causes of sentimental instability is the lack of maturity, since there are young people (as) who at a very young age intend to enter into a relationship and, as expected, are led by their own immaturity to fall into the mistakes of children who instead of blessing their lives are causing harm to their hearts. How many young ladies or boys, believe that you are prepared for a romantic relationship and the truth is not, well I think that when we think "we are in love" we always believe that we are prepared to face it. It is true that love has no age, but if it is necessary to be aware of the role that I have to develop in a relationship and in most (not in all cases) age does not allow them to be mature.

DO NOT WAIT FOR THE PERSON THAT GOD WANTS ME TO GIVE: I believe that knowing how to wait for the person that God has prepared for us is the wisest decision we can make, when you get desperate then you make mistakes that can cause you enormous damage to your heart. God has a person indicated for you, and He knows very well when you will know Him, knowing how to wait is key to the blessing. As long as you do not learn to wait on God, you will remain unstable in everything you want.

Well I could cite more causes of sentimental instability, but it is necessary that we also give room to the results of sentimental instability so that we can understand a little better the blessing that comes from knowing how to make wise decisions in the Lord.
To make it a little more understandable, we can name common to the results of sentimental instability, such as:

You become Pica Flor: a flower pike is a person that like the birds walk from flower to flower, that is to say of boyfriend in boyfriend for the ladies and for the boys of girlfriend in girlfriend. The sentimental instability makes you fall into this great error that goes against what God really wants for our life. Do you think that God endorses the pica flower ?, I can not imagine a God giving you the support you will walk with half of the girls who are in your congregation, much less I imagine God give you their support for you to try walking with all the guys in your congregation to know who you're going to marry. Definitely NO, the Church is not a shoe store, to try the pair that fits you and that you like more, you have to have respect for God and also for the people you are wanting to conquer. Undoubtedly the Sentimental Instability turns you into a Flower Pica.

A Nail takes out another Nail: sentimental instability causes you to make this big mistake. Have you ever seen a girl or boy who has just ended a relationship and the next day she has a new boyfriend? case of "a nail brings out another nail". Erroneously many young people believe that their sentimental failures can solve them with a new relationship. Of course at the end of a relationship you feel sad and maybe only, unfortunately suffer from loneliness and believe we can not afford themselves a failure like this, it's where the first change our immaturity and our emotional instability makes us fall into the error of starting another relationship without first having been healed from the previous break. That's where we call these relationships "a nail takes out another nail", why? Because you want to forget the absence of your "ex" with the arrival of someone who maybe you do not love or feel anything for he she).

The keyless lock: The same results of sentimental instability make you fall into the error of closing your heart "forever", this example is the typical girl who after a sentimental disappointment closes her heart forever and does not give the opportunity that someone can enter it. I do not tell you to open your heart to any type that comes before you, but you can not be selfish with yourself either, it is best to pray to be sure that person is the one that God is going to give you and not completely close your heart.

It is a pity that our youth is losing by the sentimental instability, the will of God is that we can rise like warriors and fight to overcome every attack of the enemy.
While you worry about getting a girlfriend (or) there are many people who get lost without Christ and without hope. The Bible says that if we delight in the Lord, He will grant the requests of our heart.
It is sad to meet young people with broken hearts, and all Why, to rush into their relationship, to get ahead of God's process for his life. It is for that reason that you have to understand that there is only one solution for Sentimental Instability, this solution is the most recommended if you do not want to damage your heart by hasty decisions, this solution is the following:

Everything is easier if you wait on God, you will be spared disappointments, damage to your heart, feelings of guilt and failure, feelings of resentment or hatred towards the other person and above all you will PLEASE GOD.
I do not know if your will or goal is to please God, but if it is so, I recommend you with all my heart that you know how to wait for God's Time, it is not worth to lend your heart to anyone to be harmed by the best recommendation to avoid all sentimental failure is: KNOWING WAITING IN GOD.


Never rush and despair, there is a perfect time for you when God anger guiándote to find the right person for you if you have fallen into a sentimental instability I want to say that this is the opportunity that God gives you to renew your covenant with Him, that covenant of knowing how to wait and trusting that God has everything under control. Ask God for forgiveness of all the times you have failed, He is willing to forgive you, to heal your wounds and to give you a new opportunity to be happy by his side, just wait on Him and He will.


God will always direct us to what is best for us, the most important thing to avoid falling into emotional instability is to be honest with our feelings and put them in the hands of God.

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