STEEMCHURCH: Trust in God that He has control over your Life.

in #steemchurch6 years ago

Have you been desperate?

Desperate thinking about finding a solution to that problem that steals so much peace, you feel a pressure in your chest, a feeling that tells you something is not right, an inconvenience that makes the dream go away and that in your mind only turn the idea of ​​finding an exit to that problem that today is presented to you.

You are waiting for a quick response, you tell God that only for this time your answer comes soon and sometimes you try to make him believe that you deserve that quick response because you have been an excellent servant and son of Him, however the answer is not go.

You want to cry or you're crying, you see how the landscape that was recently quiet has now become a storm that does not stop.

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I understand you, I have been at that point, I know what it feels to want a quick or instant response, I know what it feels like to believe that you deserve that answer and not receive it, I know what it feels like to be desperate and not see the results that you would like to see, I know what it is to cry before God hoping that He will take pity on you to answer you when you want, but also not see an answer at the moment you want.

When I have found myself in that point of despair, believing that I deserve a quick response from God, I have found several phrases from the Lord: "Why you? Why should I answer you when you want? more people with similar or more difficult problems than yours ?, Why do not I have to answer them before you? "

I was there in those moments, where I would like to be taken into account first where I discovered that God is right, that my despair has led me to be selfish, to think only of myself, to try to make God do what I want and not what He has to do. I have realized that my despair has not led me to think well, I have not thought that if I am under God's control, everything will be fine no matter how bad it may seem.

In those moments where I understand what God wants to tell me is when I can only say: "God you have control, you know what you have to do and at what moment you will do it, I submit to your will". And it is in those moments when my life humbles itself, where I recognize the sovereignty of God and his power, where God floods me with peace, that spiritual peace that makes me feel that all will be well, that peace that makes me believe that God He will act and that the way He will act will be perfect, better than I could imagine.

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Today I want to invite you in the midst of the despair that you may be going through because of the enormous problem that you may be facing that you can trust in God, that you can rest in Him because after all, if God is your Lord, everything will be fine even though things look bad, in the end God will make you smile again.

Do not deny, do not complain, do not complain, simply God will do what he has thought to do in your life. Sometimes your silence in this process is the best action you can take to see the will of God fulfilled and remember that your will is always perfect, it never fails, it is always the best option.

You know, if you are a child of God in the end everything will be fine no matter how bad it may seem, because God has promised to be with you every day of your life, and He has fulfilled the work that began in you, for that and more trust and rest in that EVERYTHING WILL BE WELL.

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