Steemchurch - The kingdom of God and its Justice.

in #steemchurch6 years ago

I have been finding all the principles of the kingdom of God that will make us live in such a way that we are effective within the Kingdom. The end will come when the gospel of the kingdom is preached to every person. I understood something: that the Gospel of the Kingdom is a reality about our life and will be effectively preached in those children who live effectively within the Kingdom of God. You and I have the responsibility to learn to live, so that other people recognize that we operate certain principles that make our life different and that when put into practice, there will always be a reward for our life.

Jesus taught them to pray like this: "Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be your name, may your Kingdom come to us". It does not say: "Let wealth come to us, nor prosperity," but let your Kingdom come to us. Due to ignorance, we stopped putting certain principles into practice. You must teach them for generations.

We are going to learn something that will reverberate within your home. Everything I am going to share with you will not work if you do not put it into practice. This has to do with your faith, with the knowledge you have, with the answers you have been waiting for a long time.

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Matthew 6:25

Therefore, I say to you, do not worry about your life what you will eat or wear.

Talk about the desire and Jesus teaches about trusting Him, trusting in His promises and His Word.

33 But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.

It means that God has a kingdom, but within that realm, operates a very valuable principle called justice. It is one thing for you to say, "I am going to make the kingdom bless me," and another thing is to make the justice of the kingdom of God work. He is just, do you trust in the justice of God? How is God's justice? Do you know her? How does it operate? God is good, but what is He like? He gives each one according to what he has to do, but that is very general. Sooner or later you are going to need God to do justice in his life on his behalf. God began to reveal the second part, which is the justice that God does, justice in the hands of God and there is a justice that is in their hands.

Seek first the kingdom ... Be a seeker of the kingdom. Instead of looking for weird things on the Internet, look for the kingdom. Instead of looking for a bride, look for the kingdom. Make the kingdom follow it, let it be established. Jesus taught them: "ask". Let your kingdom come. This is requested. How many times have you asked: "Lord, establish your kingdom in my life?".

Look for justice. I'm going to talk about justice now, and how it operates. Do you know what has to do with you and your children? Do you know that you have the power to pay according to your actions? That it has its own light, that shines in such a way that the truth is evident?

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Psalm 103: 6

Jehovah is the one who does justice and right to all those who suffer violence.

How about this for when things are tough? God says that He does justice and justice for all who suffer violence. How many have been victims of violence? We must tell the Lord to do justice, that we believe in his justice.

Luke 18: 1

Jesus also told them a parable about the need to pray always, and not to faint.

We must be insistent. In the kingdom of God, the insistent is the one who achieves a lot, but the weak one, the one who surrenders, the defeated one will not achieve anything. He who says: "You answer me right now" can not come with God like that. The principle is the following: do not faint. The problem is when we do it, when we stop believing insistently about something. The justice of God has to do with our faith, with seeing what we expect done.

2 Saying, There was a judge in a city, who neither feared God nor respected man. There was also a widow in that city, who came to him, saying, "Do me justice from my adversary." And he did not want for some time; but after this he said within himself: Though I neither fear God, nor respect man, however, because this widow is annoying me, I will do her justice, lest by continual coming, my patience be exhausted. And the Lord said: Hear what the unjust judge said. And will God not do justice to his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night? Will it take to answer them? I tell you that soon he will do them justice. But when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?

Several things appear in this parable: pray insistently, persevere in prayer. You stop doing it when you give up and faith does not give you to continue waiting for what God wanted to do with you. It will be well thought that a widow comes to ask for justice if this widow knowing that she does justice, will fall to her.

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Good message brother William, Jesus himself acknowledged the difficulty in understanding this part of his message, so he called it a "mystery". Speaking to his disciples, Jesus said: "It is given to you to know the mystery of the kingdom of God. Let's live in the Justice of that Kingdom.



Valuable message Brother, Blessings

Well Said Brother. God bless you

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