STEEMCHURCH: Jesus is the Best Friend You Can Have.

in #steemchurch6 years ago

Dear friend you are reading this post.

Jesus is my Savior and my Lord; He is also my best special friend! Maybe you're thinking, "Why do you say Jesus is your best special friend?" I was hoping you would ask that question! Let me tell you why He is my Best Special Friend.

  • Jesus knows me better than anyone else:

Jesus is my special Best Friend because He knows me better than anyone. He is God, and He knows everything about me. He even knows my thoughts.

I'm very important to Jesus! It may not be important for some people, but Jesus really cares about me. He knows how many hairs I have in my head. He has them all counted! He said, "... Even your hair is all numbered" (Matthew 10:30).

  • Jesus loves me:

A best friend is one who loves you as you are and still helps you develop as much as you can. Jesus is my special Best Friend because nobody has loved me as He loves me. He loved me so much that He gave His life for me. And He loves me today just as He loved me back then. Jesus said, "Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends" (John 15:13).

The Lord Jesus loves me just as I am, but he loves me too much to leave me as I am. He lives in me and is making me like Him day after day. He knows my faults, but he loves me and will never stop loving me.

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  • Jesus wants the best for me:

esus is my special Best Friend because He only wants the best for me. He will guide me in making decisions if I ask for His help and I trust Him.

In His Word, the Bible, the Lord Jesus tells me the things I must do, how to obey my parents and teachers. It also tells me things I should not do, like telling lies and hurtful things to other people.

And what of the things that are not mentioned in the Bible? In that case I should ask, "Would Jesus like to see me doing this?" If I think he would not like to see me doing that, then I should NOT do it!

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  • Jesus Always Has Time for Me:

esus is my special Best Friend because He always has time for me. I can talk to Him at any time. I can talk to Him anywhere. No one cares about me like Jesus. He wants me to go to Him for whatever concerns me.

  • Jesus Never Changes:

Jesus is my special Best Friend because He is always the same. In the past I have had friends and somehow changed and we are no longer friends. But Jesus never changes! The Bible says, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever" (Hebrews 13: 8).

The Lord Jesus is always the same wonderful Person who loves me with all His heart. He is always there to listen to me, to help me, to encourage me. He is really the best friend he could have.

Jesus and I are "Best Friends Forever", but I must never forget who He is. He is my Savior, my Lord, my God, and I treat him with respect and reverence. I do not call him "the man up there."

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  • Three Things to Remember:

Being a child of God is the most wonderful thing in the world, but let me tell you a secret: Your life here on earth as a child of God will not always be easy. Jesus said,

"In the world you will have affliction [many problems]; But trust, I have overcome the world "(John 16:33).

I will have many trials and tribulations as I travel to my home in Heaven, but I should not be afraid. The Lord wants you to remember 3 things:

  • Jesus is always in my favor:

Jesus has all power in Heaven and on earth, and is always in favor of His believers. Every moment, there on the throne, He is thinking of me. He wants me to tell him everything that worries me. He wants me to bring all my problems and burdens to Him. He wants me to tell him everything in my heart.

  • Jesus is always with me:

The Lord Jesus is in Heaven, seated at the right hand of God the Father, but He also lives in the hearts of His believers by His Spirit. The Apostle Paul said, "Christ lives in me!" You and I can say this too. Jesus promised that He will never leave us. He said, "I will not forsake you, nor will I leave you" (Hebrews 13: 5b).

Since Jesus is always with me, I have to ask myself some questions: Does the Lord take pleasure when I am around those who use bad words? No, he does not like it.

Is Jesus pleased when I'm watching a TV show or a movie with bad things in it? No, he does not like it. Does Jesus enjoy listening to music that has obscene words in it? No, he does not enjoy them.

This means that I should not join with those who use bad words. I should not see bad things and I should not listen to music that obscene words.

Wherever I go, the Lord goes with me. Whatever he sees, the Lord sees him with me. Whatever you hear, the Lord Jesus also hears you. If I really love the Lord Jesus, I will not want to do things that do not please Him.

  • I can always enjoy Jesus:

Jesus is not a "force"; He is a person! He wants me to love Him and appreciate Him. He wants to enjoy it, as best friends enjoy themselves.

The way to enjoy a person is to love that person. The more you love Jesus, the more you will enjoy him. When you fall in love with Jesus, you will be a happy son of God.

The Lord Jesus is the most wonderful Person in the universe. God tells me to rejoice in Him-in whom He is and what He has done for me. No matter what happens, I can always rejoice in Him. The Bible says, "Rejoice in the Lord always ..." (Philippians 4: 4)

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