SteemChurch - Communion with the Holy Spirit
2 Corinthians 13:14 - The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all. Amen.
The mission and work that God has entrusted to us is done in two ways: through the grace of the Holy Spirit or through our own strength. However, most of the men and women who have impacted this world in the past and are impacting it today, are people who have a communion and dependence on the Holy Spirit. Communion with the Holy Spirit is the key to enjoying and succeeding in the Christian life
For example, sometimes, certain problems in our children and husbands are caused by ignoring them when they speak, when they feel hurt, etc. In the moment that we do not give them the importance they deserve, we are treating them like some things, and that hurts them. So it is with the Holy Spirit, when we do not give him the place he deserves, we are ignoring him. Based on the above, we realize that it is necessary for each believer to receive the revelation that the Holy Spirit is a person, and as such, should be treated. The Holy Spirit is not a wind, a dove, it is not oil, it is not fire; all these things represent what He is in each of their facets, and are a representation of His power here on earth; but we must have clergy that He is not a thing, but a person.
The word other is from the Greek word "allos" which means another of the same class. Jesus does not tell us. "I will send you one thing, or another of lesser class than me"; but says: "I will send you one who will be of the same class as me; Moreover, you can do more works with Him than with me, because I am limited to a physical body. "
John 16: 7 - But I tell you the truth: It is better for you that I go; because if I do not go, the Comforter will not come to you; but if I leave, I will send it to you.
The word consolador is from the Greek word "Parakletos", which means comforter, comforter, one who stands by to help. This word suggests the ability and adaptability to help and was used in courts of law to denote legal assistance, an advocate, a lawyer.
The main call of the Holy Spirit is to help us, and to stand by our side to give us comfort and encouragement. For this reason, we must ask ourselves certain questions; Have I been asking for help from the Holy Spirit to change, help to do the work, help to pray, to preach, to teach, etc.? Have I asked for help to change bad habits in my life, in my behavior? If we have failed in a specific area, it is because we have not asked for help: never again treat the Holy Spirit as a thing. Begin to treat him as a person and you will see the difference in your relationship with your beloved father God.