Devotional: The world will hear your Voice

After the holy spirit had come upon the disciples, "...they were all filled with the holy ghost, and began to speak with other tongues as the spirit gave them utterance" ( act 2:4). This same disciple denied knowing Jesus; And Simon peter stood and warned himself they said therefore unto him, art not thou also one of his disciples? He denied it, and said, i am not (john 18:25). They ran away from their destiny: simon peter said ynto them i go a fishing. Theg say unto him, we also go with thee. They went forth and entered into a ship immediately ; and that night they caught nothing" (john 21:4).


But when "....they were filled with holy Ghost... The spirit gave them utterance ". The began to speak, they spoke powerfully and thwy became territorial and generational voices such that their words became life changing books that we still read today.

The world must hear your voice in jesus name . To exercise dominion over life, the first thing did was that he spoke, you also have a said over tour life, whoever speaks over you controls your life and destiny.

Utterance to speak means, divine supply of what to say from heaven, a release of locked up voice with flow and confidence. "For it is not yet that speak, but the spirit of your father which speaketh in you" (mathew 10:20) it means amplificatiin of audacity and authority; to speak and heard #Daniel 3:16-17

It means to command and be obeyed by spirit ( angels and demons ) and humans. "And they seventy returned agaun with joy, saying lord even the xevil are subject untonus theough they name"( luke 10:17)

What to do:

Remain connected to the sound from heaven.

Step out as a carrier of God's good news . "And the seventy returned again with joy, saying Lord , even the devil are subject unto us through thy name " ( Luke 10:17).

Study focus:
Daniel 21:31-30

GOD bless you


May the peace of our Lord Jesus be with you all.

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