The volcano of fire erupts in guatemala

The people of Guatemala need our firm and continuous prayers since a natural phenomenon that caused disaster in a region through social networks has been shown as there are people who have lost their loved ones and are very distressed by the situation that They are living in this moment.
a little of the information we have in detail of this volcano is that it is located about 50 kilometers from the capital, the volcano erupted on Sunday for the second time in the year, and left at least six dead and 20 injured in its vicinity, informed the prevention agency of the Central American country.
some of the spectators at the time recorded their testimonies "is a river of lava that went out of its cause and affection the village, there are people injured, burned and killed is doing the assessment and rescue of people"
From several points of the country you can see huge columns of smoke, explosions and ash rain.
This volcano is one of the most active of the 37 that is in the country and made its first eruption in February of this year.



n a statement issued early this Sunday, the National Institute of Seismology, Volcanology, Meteorology and Hydrology (Insivumeh) recommended maintaining the "necessary" alertness especially in the area known as Sangre de Cristo, in San Pedro Yepocapa. The body issued other recommendations to the population and authorities, such as the use of masks, cover their eyes and protect piped water distribution systems and, preferably, not go out into the streets. The Insivumeh confirmed that the eruption generates pyroclastic flows, but indicated that at the moment, due to the cloudy sky, the magnitude of the eruption can not be appreciated, although "strong rumblings" are heard in the area. "This eruption can not be observed due to the overcast of the volcanic building, so precautions should be taken", recommended the Insivumeh, after noticing the risk of an eventual descent of lava flows. In as much, authorities of the General Direction of Civil Aeronautics said in their Twitter account that the runway of the International Airport La Aurora was closed before the presence of sand and ash, and all the flights were suspended, in order to "guarantee the safety of passengers and aircraft. " The ash covered some villages near the colossus, especially San Pedro Yepocapa, in the department of Chimaltenango, because the wind moved west and southeast. Other municipalities affected by the fall of volcanic material were Acatenango, La Soledad, El Campamento and Quisaché. In La Soledad, villagers reacted with alarm due to the fall of ash, sand and stones of regular size, combined with heavy rain that fell in the area. The reports said that in the Interamerican Highway, in Chimaltenango, the motorists realized that the fall of ash made visibility difficult. Sacatepéquez, San Juan Alotenango and Antigua Guatemala also recorded ash fall, due to which the La Reunion farm was evacuated and National Route 14, which connects that department with Escuintla, was closed. In its first eruption of the year, which took place on February 1, the Volcán de Fuego was active for 20 hours, during which time it expelled lava flows and caused seismic activity and explosions.

prayer for the people of guatemala

Lord jesus father this day we cry to you my lord to ask you for the people of guatemala be you taking control of that situation that is happening in that country, be your father interceding for your beloved children look at their cry father you complacency in them my lord Look, today, when they need you the most, they have bent their knees and put their faces on the ground to cry out and ask you father because we know that you are the creator of heaven and earth and the only one that you can intercede for them, sir, you are healing your earth in the name which is above all the name of your beloved son jesuscristo amen

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