1.By your head.-

Father, in the name of Jesus, I pray for the head and mind of my husband, keep it from imitating the behaviors and customs of this world, that he (name) allows his mind to be renewed, transformed into a new way of thinking so that He knows your good, nice and perfect will. (Romans 12: 2) Lord, may he always concentrate on all that is true, all that is honorable, just, pure, all beautiful and admirable, that he always thinks excellent and praiseworthy things. (Philippians 4: 8) Save your mind from believing the lies of the world by reading or seeing things that do not edify or nourish your spirit, that's why I pray that he will delight in reading your Word, and meditate on day and night Amen. (Psalm 1: 2)

2.For their eyes.-

In the name of Jesus, I place in your hands the eyes of my beloved husband (name) so that they are always looking forward and fix their eyes on what is in front of them, to trace a straight path for their feet and stay in the sure way, Father that never deviate and prevent his feet from following evil. (Proverbs 4: 25-27) That while he extends to what lies ahead and leaves the past behind, (Philippians 3:13) open your eyes to see the wonderful truths that are in your teachings. (Psalm 119: 18) Father that your eyes always see through your eyes and look at the needs of others and do not blind themselves to them, I ask you in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

3.By your ears.-

Father, my prayer for you in this area is so that your ears are always attentive to your voice, that he heed your instructions and that he hears your voice when you indicate which way he should go. (Isaiah 30: 9,21) In the same way, Lord, let him understand that he must be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to get angry. (James 1:19) Give him discernment to recognize when a false doctrine comes to his ear because we know that the time will come when people will no longer hear sound and sound teaching. They will follow their own desires and look for teachers to tell them what their ears are dying to hear. (2 Timothy 4: 3) Father, have mercy and let my husband be sensitive to the voice of your Spirit, in the name of Jesus, amen.

4.By your mouth.-

Dear God, I recognize that in our mouth there is a miracle, that we can give life or death (Proverbs 18:21), that is why today I pray to you for my husband and his tongue, beloved God pray that (name) not use a rude or offensive language. May everything you say be good and useful, so that your words may be a stimulus to those who hear them (Ephesians 4:29). May he use his lips to recite aloud all the ordinances that you have given us, to never stop praising you and declare your glory all day. (Psalm 119: 13, 71: 8) in the name of your son Jesus Christ amen.

  1. For your heart.-

On everything kept, keep your heart because it determines the direction of our life (Proverbs 4:23) I pray for the heart of my beloved husband (name), Father to keep and care for him loving you with all your heart and with all his soul, with all his mind and with all his strength, so that he can love others as he loves himself. (Mark 12: 30-31) I ask you, Lord, to give him integrity of heart, put a new spirit within him, remove his stubborn heart of stone and give him a tender and receptive heart to obey your decrees and ordinances. (Ezekiel 11:19) And refuse to walk in any evil way so that you remain obedient to your Word (Psalm 119: 101), I ask in the name of Jesus, amen.

7.By your feet.-

Dear God, I pray for the feet of my husband, thank you because until now you have kept it from not separating from you, from walking in the light as you are in the light to live in communion with one another (1 John 1: 7) and dwell in peace. Thank you, Father, because you are getting ready by putting on your shoes to preach the good news of peace with God (Ephesians 6:15), because God, how beautiful are the feet of the messenger on the mountains that brings good news, good news of peace and salvation, the news that the God of Israel reigns! (Isaiah 52: 7) Thank you Lord, may he declare at all times that he has refused to walk in any evil way, in order to remain obedient to your Word and that his steps remain in your path and never hesitate to follow you. (Psalm 119: 101, 17: 5) in the precious name of our Lord Jesus Christ, amen.

I hope it is a blessing for you, encourage yourself to pray for your husband part by part and to bless him at all times, in the good and the bad. We are one with them, blessing them will bless us too.



Better are two than one; because they have better pay for their work.

Because if they fall, the one will raise his partner; but woe to the lonely! that when it falls, there will be no second to raise it.

Also if two sleep together, they will warm each other; But how will one heat up?

And if one prevails against one, two will resist him; and three-fold cord does not break soon.
Ecclesiastes 4: 9-12

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