The Power in Thanksgiving

in #steemchurch7 years ago (edited)

We are all familiar with the words: thanks, thankful, Thanksgiving and so on. They are mere words but very mighty in their functions to God and humanity.

For the purpose of this writing, I will define the word “thanksgiving” as the expression of gratitude to Almighty God and Humans. Do you know that one of the greatest commandments on this planet earth is to give thanks to God, for all he has done for us. In reference to:

Psalm 100:4 we are to enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his Courts with praise;

I urge you to be appreciative unto him, and bless his name always much as you can. Christ, himself, was the perfect example of obeying this commandment.

Thanksgiving, I will also say it is giving thanks to God for several blessings that mustn't be limited to only good times but also unhealthy times thereby giving us the chance to demonstrate our faith in God. Thanksgiving can draw our hearts out to God and keep us engaged with him, it'll take our attention from our usual self and give the Holy Ghost space in our hearts to operate. There are lots of benefit attached to thanking God for the simplest thing he has done or about to be done. Let me share with you some of the benefits:

  • Prompt thanks to God unlocks several doors. Just name it: door of breakthrough, victory, favour, grace etc.

  • Whenever thanksgiving goes up, showers of blessings automatically comes down. Psalm 100:5.

  • It strengthens faith, strengthens our dependence on God for each provision and upholds the biblical truths on the faithfulness of God.

  • It keeps our lives away from darkness, anxiety, sin and deception. (Rom 1:21, Phil 4:6)

  • It attracts us nearer to God.

  • It shows we are humble to God and Human.

How will you feel when you helped somebody and he didn't show his heart of gratitude not even thank you?
No matter how matured we are, ingratitude will always want us feel somehow. How much more our father in heaven who created us and supplied us with our daily needs. I am very sure God won't be happy with those that are disregarding all he has done for us.

Peradventure, you will think in your heart, how can o show my thanks giving to God or how can I say thank you to God??

It's very simple, look here:

1.By remembering him in our thoughts, words and deeds. It's not possible to offer gratitude to God if we never think or speak of him. We are able to also learn the scriptures to recollect his promises and show gratitude.

2.We can show our thanksgiving by distinguishing his lordship over our lives, Counting our blessings and understanding that we are who and what we are due to God. 1 Thess 5:18 reflecting on all God has done for us in all areas of our lives i.e spiritually, financially, physically etc. Particularly the sacrificing of our Lord Jesus Christ that is the greatest gift of all.

3.By giving thanks in prayer: We ought to thank God as usually as we pray so that we can have his spirit in us to show us how to pray. We should always bear it in mind that the prayer that begins with trust and passes on into waiting, can continually end in thankfulness, triumph and praise. We have a tendency to show our dependence on God through prayerful thanksgiving that ought to be done daily.

4.By praise: We should always praise and give thanks God through songs with the utilization of our mouths, clapping hands and if we can play musical instruments why not. He is worthy of all of our praises.

5.By Repentance: Continuously being responsive to our wrongdoings and confessing our sins may be a means of showing gratitude to God .Gratitude is also the foundation upon which repentance is constructed because it shows we acknowledge the mercy of God. Repentance cleanses us of our sins and brings about extra blessings if done with a sincere heart and disposition to refrain from such sins.

6.By expressing gratitude to others: Showing gratitude to people and helping others is a means of showing gratitude to God. This is seen in Matt 25:40- which says “Inasmuch as you have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, you have done it unto me”. This is thanksgiving to God by serving Him through others.

Thanksgiving to God is fundamental to a believer because it's the only means of communicating with God which is inclusive of worship, prayer, faith, holiness, giving and sacrifice.

When you see God for who he's and when Jesus Christ is revealed to you in all his glory, that ought to be enough to make you thank him extravagantly notwithstanding he never did something for you, that is if you are not alive anyway. However after you realize he is been there for you, then you should be excited to thank that awesome God. But, he has not just done only that: he has been faithful to you, loved you , provided for you, takes care of you, keeps you alive. Somehow, you find expressions to praise him and to give thanks him.

I am thankful for the Gift of life

If this medium will be a way to show your appreciation to God, what will you say??

I used picture.


I am @updanny


Hi. It is a good topic that you chose to write your publication. Actually, it is true that thanksgiving is healing and brings God closer.
Greetings from Venezuela.
Upvoted and Restemm it

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