Dust We Are

in #steemchurch5 years ago


"As a Father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him, because he knows our condition and knows that we are dust." (Ps 103: 13-14)

I would like to share with the beloved, a deep reflection that our beloved Father has led me to do. I want you to allow yourself to take a deep and sincere dive into yourself, just as I have done for the mercy of the Lord. It is necessary to have courage for this because, just launch, it is enough to start swimming within yourself and to recognize something that, in the end we already know, but which we fear in denying and hiding: "God, I really do not pass of dust" .

In 2015 the Lord began to seriously confront my heart. In order to prepare myself to enter the "promised land" that He reserved for me in my ministry, He began to encourage me to look in the mirror of my soul and see, revise, recognize who I really am. And I want to ask you that question, beloved brother: Who are you really?

You know, it was like a Father of love that the Lord touched me. He began to show me areas of my life that lacked urgent treatment and that I pretended not to see because in the end, "I am a leader of a blessed ministry and I do not have the right to fail". Oh what a shrewd lie of satan! My brother, do not fall into this trap. I and you are not perfect, we never went and we will only be when we meet, in Glory, with Christ! Regardless of what you are in the eyes of men in the eyes of the Father you are a child, only a child who lacks mercy, attention and I love him every second to continue living.

Satan does not want, my brother, who and I and you recognize our weakness. You know why? Because when we recognize that we are weak, we are only dust, dear, the rays of the eyes are drawn. We are not able to look at the arguments of the eyes of others and begin to see our heart, since it really is: gaps and the sin of the whole world. God have mercy on us!

And if we are children of God and the Holy Spirit dwells in us, to recognize this, we also find that we have to make a concert with God every day. And he (Satan) knows very well that true repentance, this total dependence, profound conviction takes away the heart of the Father, because the Lord does not hold a contrite and humbled heart. When we recognize our weakness, we repent of our faults and look for a concert, WE ARE COMPLETELY RESTORED BY THE LORD!

Do not be deceived beloved. It is Satan who wants to make you feel powerful, invincible by himself, perfect, Superman and Wonder Woman because when you put yourself in this position, God has to keep his word and put you there in his place (II Sm 22:28, Isaiah 02:11), to show what you really are. What I and you really are: NOTHING WITHOUT THE LORD!

We need to learn to be sincere before God, dear ones. To get away from pretending that we are things that we are not, to sell a false image to people. We see so many anointed vessels of God being raised to minister life over his people, but, unfortunately, we see so many of them getting lost in the middle of the walk. They start humble, dependent on God and there God honors and they become known. The Christian community begins to have them as examples of life. Instead of looking at Jesus, the people begin to look at men. And many times, encouraged by themselves. It happens that those anointed vessels are dust, just like me and you. And the people throw upon them a greater burden than they can often bear. They fall, and the people take care of them. How sad! We see two big mistakes. The one of the vessels that, in some cases, fell by removing the eyes of God and also by hiding his humanity from the people who followed him by placing himself in a perfect position. And also of the people who judge the failure of the servant of God without thinking that, in reality, "it could be me in his place". We are all dust!

We need to recognize our Beloved Father that we are weak, that by ourselves we can not do anything, that without him we are like leaves without life, that without Him we can not take a right step in this life. You and I need to understand that we err yes and we always run the risk of erring because we are not rock, we are dust! The Rock is Jesus and He who makes us strong. All we have to be is the one that will allow us to learn. Jesus is the Strength of our lives. He is our strength. He, He and He alone. You and I will always remain weak because God wants to do miracles and wonders in our lives and it is in our weakness that the power of God manifests in us!

It is not easy to find a person and say: "Erre with you, please forgive me!". It is not easy to tell the ministry that you participate: "People, I am wrong today, please pray for me or I will not be able to continue." It may be harder still to reach your leader and say, "Look, I do not have conditions to minister blessings on the church today, please climb up to another brother." It is not easy to reach your pastor and say: "I want to stay in the bank for a while being treated only because my marriage is on the verge of ending and I can not go up to the altar in this way." Or perhaps admit that as a human being, you also get sick and can not always do everything people expect of you. It is not easy for these things and maybe you go through other situations more or less unpleasant. I dont know. I know it's "dose" (laughs) to have to show weakness for people. But see what the Word of God tells us:

"It is sown in shame, it is raised in glory, it is sown in weakness, it rose in power." (I Corinthians 15:43)

Perhaps you are in the "innocence" of an absurd thought: difficulty in showing your weakness towards the Lord. It would be funny if it were not sad that our "spiritual ignorance", beloved ones. Sometimes we get caught trying to impress him and forget that He has created us and to probe the most intimate secret of our heart! God sees the heart my brother, God sees the heart. You do not need to be perfect to impress him. You need to seek perfection by loving Him and wanting to please His heart. This is the difference.

You know, I'd like to make it clear that I'm not encouraging you to be "weak." In truth, I just want you to understand more deeply what I'm understanding: our human structure is weak, fails and has no crying or candle, we are dust and lack the mercy and unconditional love of God.

Be transparent with the Lord, my brother. Let me reveal to you who you really are, so that as I recognize that what we are is far from what He, our Beloved Dad, dreams of us and so we fill with the strength of him and run the race that is proposed for Him, looking to Him, dreaming of Him and being more than conquerors!

I want to finish this reflection by leaving to your heart the wonderful words of our dear brother and apostle Paul in Co II12: 9,10:

"Then he said to me," My grace is sufficient for you, because power is perfected in weakness. "Of good will, then, I will glory more in weaknesses, so that the power of Christ rests on me. , in the insults, in the needs, in the persecutions, in the anguish, for the love of Christ, because, WHEN I AM WEAK, THEN, IT IS THAT I AM STRONG ".


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