Steemchurch: Called to lead

in #steemchurch6 years ago

What makes a Leader? The rank? The status? Fame? A castle? The power? The style? Do you Automatically confers leadership through a space in the table Organizational? In what part does the position and power in the formula for the leadership? And what is the model Ideal for leaders? is the executive corporate? The military commander? The head of State? Jesus responded to all those questions with a few words. Your point of view with respect to leadership is foreign conspicuously to wisdom conventional of our time:

"Then Jesus, calling them, said:
You know that the rulers of the
Nations soaker from them, and the
That are great exert on them
Power. But among you will not be
So, but the one who wants to make himself
Great among you will be your
Server, and whoever wants to be the first
Among you will be your servant;
As the son of man did not come to
be served, but to serve, and to
Give your life in ransom for many»
(Matthew 20.25-28).


According to Christ, then, the true kind of leadership demands service, sacrifice, and selfless surrender.
A person full of pride and self-promotion is not a good leader according to the parameters of Christ, no matter how much influence he may have.
Those leaders who look to Christ as their leader and their supreme model of leadership will have servants ' hearts.
They'll exemplify it in sacrifice. I know that these are not the characteristics that most people associate with leadership, but they are essential qualities of a biblical leadership approach, and that is the kind of leadership that interests me.
By the way, notice that Jesus expressly was teaching Christians to look at the leadership of a different way and from a radically different point of view than the leaders of this world have. It is absurd for Christians to assume (as many currently do) that the best way they can learn from leadership is through examples of the world.
In the Christian, leadership always has a spiritual dimension. The task of directing people contienem certain spiritual applications. This principle is the same for a Christian president of a secular company as for the housewife whose sphere of leadership may not extend beyond her own children. Every Christian in any kind of leadership is called to be a spiritual leader.

Leadership is born from the heart of a server, if you are a server then you are a leader.

And a leader becomes what it is to be light and testimony, so that others can follow in his footsteps, as well as he follows those of Jesus, and this is the essence of leadership, to be an example to all who will come after my.

I believe in leadership a leadership of service and humility.

You call me master, and Lord; And you say well, because I am. For if I, the Lord and the master, have washed your feet, you too must wash each other's feet. For example I have given you, that as I have done unto you, Ye also do. Verily, verily, I say unto you: The servant is no greater than his lord, nor the envoy is greater than the one who sent him. If you know these things, blessed are you if you hiciereis them. John 13:13-17

God bless you..


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