in #steemchurch5 years ago (edited)

Be blessed all our brothers and friends who follow us, we are in the expectation of a change or a new time, which has been renamed #newsteem, this lies in the early implementation of Hardfork 21, we are just a few hours, exactly it will be: August 27th at 11:00 AM EDT.

For all those people who do not know the concept of HF technically, we can say that it is basically a term used in the blockchain for software update, our @steemitbord friends made a publication with the details of what this update will be in our chains of blocks, You can read here

This will be the last post of @steemchurch in the old HF and we expect good results in the respect, there are many opinions found about it, but we as good Christians know that all things help us well, and our commitment will be to continue the good work , going to a higher level of excellence according to the requirement of the changes that will be introduced.

Edited Image

There are many opinions and conclusions of several actors in the community, however, we do not anticipate the facts, because we know that one is the planning of man but the growth is always given by the Lord, under this hypothesis, our position is to work best possible, adapt to the changes and support the growth...

We all have something to contribute to the construction of #newsteem, we encourage all those involved to use their votes in a responsible way, fostering the respect that we deserve as human beings, leaving behind the disunity, the quarrels and everything that is not good first name.

We encourage our parishioners, friends who come to our community daily to improve their entries, their jobs, we are in a time of expansion and as we move forward we will also provide tools to help our members adapt to the changes, we will talk about it later of HF21.

As a summary we can say that HF21:

You will make changes to the Author / curator rewards. It will increase 25% for the curator and will decrease 25% for the author.

Negative votes may be made without affecting the voting power.

In any circumstance there will always be an opportunity to improve and we believe that HF21 will not be different, let's work focused on the unification of criteria and the common good, I think there is the secret, steemit's general vision is not to form a network to promote hate , revenge, accusation (although there are always rules to be followed) it is up to each of us to give the true value for which it was created, "a social network of impact" as a community and especially as a real actor in the world @Steemchurch and its parishes (@sc-v, @sc-n, @sc-philippines, @sc-g) hope to contribute significantly to the growth of this platform.

And I can't stop sharing the word, this is a biblical reflection of the importance of each one, we are all important, so let's not belittle anyone's work.

1 Corinthians 12: 12-30
Because just as the body is one, and it has many members, but all the members of the body, although they are many, constitute a single body, so is Christ. For by the same Spirit we were all baptized in one body, whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free, and we were all given the same Spirit to drink. Because the body is not a single member, but many.Read more.
If the foot said: Because I am not a hand, I am not a part of the body, that is why it is still a part of the body. And if the ear said: Because I am not an eye, I am not {part} of the body, that is why it is still {part} of the body. If the whole body were an eye, what would it be of the ear? If everything were heard, what would smell be? Now, God has placed each of the members in the body as he pleased. And if they were all one member, what would the body be? However, there are many members, but only one body. And the eye cannot say at hand: I do not need you; neither head to toe: I don't need you. On the contrary, the truth is that the members of the body that appear to be the weakest are the most necessary; and the {parts} of the body that we consider less honorable, we dress them with more honor; {so that} the {parts we consider} most intimate are treated more honorably, since our presentable {parts} don’t need it. But {thus} God formed the body, giving greater honor to the {part} that lacked it, so that in the body there is no division, but that the members take the same care for each other.

@steemchurch will be strengthening the teamwork of its parishes, also examining the best publications of those who use their labels, activating the direction of social development to promote work on the steemit and Telos blockchain simultaneously, control, monitoring and consolidation of projects social, infrastructure creation will be paramount in this new stage.

With love,

Remember to follow our accounts and the leaders of the parishes:

@sirknight: Founder of Steemchurch
@darlenys01: Apostle of Steemchurch
@ricci01: leader of @sc-v
@Uyobong: Leader of @sc-n
@biggsam: Leader of @sc-g
@mhm-philippines: Leader of @sc-philippines


We thank all those people who have contributed to our community to grow @pennsif, @luppers, @redes, @hanshotfirst, @theycallmedan, @redpalestino, @wilx, @curatorhulk, @ripperone,@penguinpablo,@newhope,@jackmiller.


Each time you support with some delegation you will be collaborating with the feeding, education of thousands of children, the restoration of the family, and the promotion of blockchain technology in the world.

50 SP| 100 SP|200 SP|500 SP|1000 SP|2000 SP|5000 SP


Always placing God first and permanent work, we have the tools to continue the expansion of the community.

Unlimited downvotes - yet limited upvotes. It should be worrying for many.

Fortunately SteemChurch produces some of the highest quality work on Steem - so our parishioners should be okay.


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This is a great and apt message to prepare the community for the upgrade of Steem Blockchain. We wish our parishioners a safe onboarding

Posted using Partiko Android

Preparing for the coming time, thank you @darlenys01 for keeping us up to date with the platform updates and the steps to follow.

Hoping it is to improve this update of Hardfork 21, always ready for continuous growth. God before us.

We are looking forward to what #newsteem will be through Hardfork21.

The changes are circumstances that we have to adapt, those who persevere will get great results, hopefully the update for the better.

Hopefully the development to make our own analysis based on facts not on assumptions.

Thank you for keeping us updated and promoting participation in this new stage.

With one mind we hope for the best through this upgrade.

For Steemchurch community, it’ll work for our good surely.

Where there’s love and unity, there also is progress, let’s continue in quality, oneness and be focused with our mission and vision.

Thanks apostle Darlenys for this encouraging article.

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