STEEMCHURCH: It will raise the banner of Christianity in many places and leave traces of love!

in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will towards men!
Luke 2:14

Brothers and Friends of this prestigious Community! [Steem / SteemChurch] I have the privilege of addressing you on this opportune occasion, to thank God first for the high honor bestowed upon me by the Founding Father of the First Church of Blockchain, his name is, Mr. Gentleman @sirknight, to appoint me Executive Director / Archbishop, CEO, of @steemchurch, founded in December of 2017.

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As you will understand, where a Church is born with the love of God, hope for society is born, a ray of celestial light is born that can penetrate hearts, creating good consciences for positive results in the beautiful land that the Creator gave us.

This has already happened through SteemChurch, many people have been blessed in Nigeria, Ghana, Venezuela and many parts of the world!

His slogan is: A Crusade for Freedom!

Freedom, Freedom, Freedom...

Our world needs Freedom: Spiritual freedom, Freedom from the chains that the powerful of the earth want to impose on us, Freedom from human trafficking, Freedom from the oppression of terrorism, Freedom from children sold as sexual slaves, Freedom from racism that still wants to impose itself in our days, financial freedom, etc.

That is why the Vision of SteemChurch is:

To embrace and promote Christianity on the blockchain by spreading the love of God and celebrating the beauty of his creation, building a supportive community and fighting evil in whatever form it might take.'

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So, if you are reading this message, do not take it to the Light, let it enter your heart and think about your family, think about your people, think about your Nation and, take this challenge with me, because only one does not It's nobody but together we can do a lot. The world needs you Christian! You need to make known the liberator of liberators, as the hardened @darlenys01 says, to refer to the King of kings and Lord of Lords: JESUS CHRIST.

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A door for great opportunities


SteemChurch is present here in Blockchain, and do not see it only as a Church that can carry your wallet for selfish interests, but look at it as a great opportunity to develop alliances and strategies that seek to save thousands around the world! A Church that wants to support community projects with the acclaimed beatitudes! But we have to work hard, we have to build the community we want, a big tree that can give coats on all continents.

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I want to finish this humble post, with a tip that Sirknight gave me today:

You are a servant of the people, as I am, as Jesus was. Serve the people and you will go far.

We are servants of the Lord Jesus Christ.

In the coming days, steemchurch will continue to update, also SK at its opportune moment, will help us with strategies to promote the global growth of the Church.


Therefore, take heed to yourselves, and to all the flock in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of the Lord, which he won by his own blood.
Acts 20:28

To the good Bishops, today I tell you, count on steemchurch and fight for this Church.

Archbishop / Executive Director:



Congratulations Emilio on your appointment. I am you will fill the role with great dedication and commitment.

And I thank Steemchurch for their continued support for the A Dollar A Day project.

Thank you, Mr. Pennsif, in steemchurch we see your project with admiration, continue with the love and humility that characterizes it, doing good.

This Knight is honoured to have been quoted in your opening address Your Grace. It is my belief that you will take our Church to great heights.


Posted using Partiko Android

It's a very valuable SK advice, I could not ignore it. Thank you for your faith in this SteemChurch trip.

again my congratulations dear friend, today more than ever God needs men and women to fight for freedom, and I want to reiterate my support for the construction of this beautiful community filled with the love of God, as parishioners of this beautiful church I will fight to follow proclaiming and declaring the promises of God, today more than ever you need Christ. The word of God says that not even the leaves of the trees move without Him allowing it, so this new appointment God allowed it with a purpose and a purpose, and we will all fight for that purpose as I call it our friend SK crossed with freedom , today we will fight FREEDOM.

Your support and that of all parishioners are welcome! Thanks brother

Our great liberator @emiliocabrera, Jesus Christ.only he is worthy to take away all the honor and glory, he says that every tongue, people and nation will recognize his majesty, and before his presence every knee will bend, this is the time to prepare the way for the encounter with, Jesus!

Well said Apostle Darlenys, Jesus Christ is inclusive, in fact, a large part of steemchurch has parishioners who in different languages (English, Afrikaans and derivatives, Spanish etc) recognize that Jesus Christ is the Lord!

"To embrace and promote Christianity in the chain of blocks, spreading the love of God and celebrating the beauty of its creation, building a community of support and fighting against evil in whatever form it can take."

The vision with which this church has been born is wonderful, but as you say, Brother Emilio, we are nothing but together we can do a lot.

Follow the guidance of God and the excellent advice of SK the legendary steemit and you will surely have success.

100% True Lorennys, Unit

Together we will achieve it as a great family @emiliocabrera sure many will hear this call

It's good to know that sister

Amen my friend and brother @ emiliocabrera, is the great work of steemchrch by the crusade of freedom to bring souls to Christ and work for the common and social good, of the most needy, but above all to preach the word at all times , and in every place, that the world recognizes that this chain of blocks has a great mission and is to rescue the lost souls.

We have more than ten billion people in the world who wait for the warriors of Jesus Christ! Thank you sister Ricci!

The work of every Christian to give freedom to the captive, good vision blessings

Yes glendys! Thanks

SteemChurch was born for big things and this publication shows the great vision that will embrace the world with the gospel and the beatitudes! Good presentation of our Executive Director @emiliocabrera, together we will build a great Church. Glory to God on high, peace to men on earth, I love this.

It is thus and only thus Kristal, united in the love of God. Thank you

Congratulations again @emiliocabrera brother, As I told you. Really Happy for you, and why I'm sure you'll do a very good job, brother! Hope God continue blessing you.

In the joy of their children, God is pleased brother! Thank you

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