2020 Declarations ... Harvest Year!

in #steemchurch5 years ago

Harvest year!

The Lord told me that in 2020 there will be harvest and I believe it!

For many in Venezuela it is difficult to believe a statement like this when seeing the daunting landscape that surrounds us, but faith defies human logic, faith makes you see and achieve the impossible.


The bible is full of records that review stories of men and women who believed God, acted in faith and the result was that they ended up witnessing amazing miracles.

At the time of ISAAC the panorama was discouraging, I would say devastating, a situation of hunger that made everyone in the region emigrating to Egypt, the only place where there was enough food for everyone.

In that context ISAAC received an order and a promise from God and the Order was:

Genesis 26: 2 And Jehovah appeared to him, and said to him, Do not go down to Egypt; live on earth that I will tell you.

Genesis 26: 3 Inhabit as an outsider on this earth, and I will be with you, and I will bless you; For to you and to your descendants I will give all these lands, and I will confirm the oath that I made to Abraham your father.

The result of that obedience in faith was a supernatural blessing for his work. So it does not depend on the circumstance, it depends on faith in the promises of God.

Genesis 26:12 And Isaac sowed in that land, and reaped that year one hundred for one; and the Lord blessed him.

Genesis 26:13 The man was enriched, and prospered, and enlarged until he became very powerful.

The Lord told me that in 2020 there will be harvest and I believe it!


We will fly over the storm!

Isaiah 40:31 but those who wait for Jehovah will have new strength; they will raise wings like eagles; they will run and not get tired; they will walk, and they will not tire.

There are people who are talking about a difficult season, the Eagle rises over the storm, takes advantage of the strong wind and uses it to propel itself, once in the heights it can better see its chances of triumph.

This 2020 we will rise above the storms to choose our best trump options, and we will be victorious.

You need to understand in depth the statement of Jesus Christ when he said:

John 14:27 Peace I leave you, my peace I give you; I don't give it to you as the world gives it. Not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

It is the peace that gives you security in moments of tribulation, it is to be sure that God is in control of all.

The peace of Christ is more than the absence of conflicts, it is to be calm even in the midst of the storm, with that security the psalmist declared.

Psalm 4: 8 In peace I will lie down, and I will also sleep; Because only you, Jehovah, make me live in confidence.

Trust God, hold on to his promises and don't focus on the circumstances around you, God is much bigger and more powerful than the storm that raises around you and if he promises that we will have a harvest like that it will be.

I challenged you to put your trust in God and wait for the results of your faith!

2 Corinthians 5: 7 (because by faith we walk, not by sight);

I appreciate your comments and participation in this publication!

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