'Peace be with you'
SirKnight is pleased to be able to reveal the 8th Apostle of Blockchain!
The 8th Fabled Apostle of the Blockchain is a woman who walks hand in hand with Jesus, yet would battle devil or demon single-handedly in his honour.
Her posts are strong in conviction and compelling in nature.
She is brave and yet forgiving. She is forthright, with foresight.
She will be a true architect in the future of the SteemChurch - she is Darlenys Romero.
AKA: @darlenys01 The Bold.
(Thank you Darlenys for the image above)
For 2 millennia, Christians have awaited the second coming of Jesus. Similarly it is foretold that the 12 Fabled Apostles of the Blockchain, would pave the way.
Our Apostles:
@tremendospercy - The Valiant!
@gniksivart - The Just!
@tikhub - The Insightful!
@abiye - The Humble!
@prime-cleric - The Spiritual!
@jaff8 - The Pure!
@owoblow-steemit - The Righteous!
@darlenys01 - The Bold!
Our Apostles are the embodiment of our mission:
'To embrace and promote Christianity on the blockchain by spreading the love of God and celebrating the beauty of his creation, building a supportive community and fighting evil in whatever form it might take.'
And I, SirKnight, could not be prouder of their achievements to date and their future aspirations for the Church.
(The search for the Apostles continues...)
Every great leader knows when it is time to empower his generals and send them on their crusades - and this time has now come.
To enable the Apostles to build SteemChurch into the most revered Christian Community on the planet, SirKnight must let them sway the narrative and build upon the solid foundation we have lay for them. This means - allowing the Apostles to determine where SteemChurch votes will be allocated.
Going forward the Apostles will study the daily #steemchurch and #celestialchallenge posts, along with their authors. The daily posts which they deem to best represent our vision, our mission and our core values - they will resteem - up to 6 a day each. I would expect that these posts will be well rewarded in the days following.
Leading the Apostles will be Brother @owoblow-steemit. He has been given additional responsibilities, beyond the other Apostles. For he will be responsible for building the entire back-end administrative infrastructure of the Church. If you have expertise in this area - you might want to have a chat with him.
This is Sunday, 28 January 2018 and I am... SirKnight!
Welcome @darlenys01

And Jesus loves you Brother TP.
thank you @tremendospercy!
Without words my dear @sirknight for me it is an honor to belong to this great community, and to promote the good news of the gospel of peace, I will give my best to bring the truth of GOD to the world. Dear gentleman, you have been an inspiration to me and I assure you that for all of us who are part of the first blockchain church. Together, unanimously we will build the church that is in the heart of the creator.
Hi Darlenys - awaiting resteems. Thanks. SK.
PS - are you at
Hello my dear @sirknight I had some problems with my internet connection, but I'm already here. I am not yet on Can you give me details?
I'm already in the chat. :D Greetings.
It's something that can't be expressed in words. That's good initiative. In this way people would try to make some good posts and in this way steemit can also find some good writers. I'll look forward to write in #steemchurch. I have visited rural areas of Pakistan and there situation is not satisfied.
Congratulations @Darlenys01 and thanks to @sirknight you through the word of GOD illuminate our path to him, thanks for all his teachings.
Thank you @xioran it is a pleasure to sow the word in each one of your hearts.
Yesss!! Congratulations darlenys01 your posts are always so amazing and inspiring,congratulations!!
thank you @jedaijudith
Congrats @darlenys01 on attaining Apostle status....keep up the good work. @sirknight and his apostle team have done good work for the body of Christ on the steem blockchain.....ride on.
thank you @branks20!
Congratulations @darlenys you have contributed greatly to the growth of the steemchurch, glad to have you as one of the knights!!
thank you @bodakk!
Wow! This is great news, she really is a woman of God!!congratulations sister @darlenys01 !!
thank you @peteron!
Congratulations @darleny01, may yu continue to wax stronger ding the things of God and serving the steem Church.
Thank you @yaanivapeji!
Am so happy for you @darlenyos01. I pray my hard work will lead me to becoming an apostle in the first ever church thanks alot @sirknight I really appreciate your efforts sir God bless