Physical or Virtual Church? Steem Church- Philippines

1Pe 2:5  Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ.

A Church Without Walls

I am not here to criticize, but it may sound like I am. After being on the mission field for 5 years, I can see some things in the Church at Large that leads me to believe, by and large we have lost our focus and lost sight of what is important. Building beautiful buildings, with million dollar sound systems and plush carpeting is not building God’s Kingdom. Sad to say that the majority of Western World Churches are doing just that, while sacrificing what is more important. Yes these places will boast of how much they spend on foreign and domestic missions, but the lion share of funding goes right to the building, salaries, creature comforts.

As we look at our text we can see that the church building is not the church at all. We get up Sunday morning and say we are going to church, but that place we go to is not the church at all. It is a meeting place and we are the Church. Living stones, mortared together by God’s Love to be an inhabitation of His Glory.



I am very thankful to God that I have been to 37 countries and have experienced the off the hook presence of God in some of the most basic church meeting places. No Air conditioning, no padded pews. Just God’s People and raw worship. No professional musicians, no charismatic speaker telling only the cake and ice cream of the gospel. Just people in love with the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. People sitting on boards spanning between to cement blocks, or plastic chairs or nothing but the floor. But the most important part is there.

The Manifest Presence of God

Whenever we do a evangelism outreach. Sometimes in a field or on a basketball court, and people come, not worrying about their own comfort, but with a concern for their spiritual health and eternal destination. People come with child like faith. In Bulgaria I saw people come in cold weather. You could see holes in their shoes and see where they put newspaper on the inside of the shoe to cover the hole. Some walked 8 miles, one way, to hear the Gospel. Some of the services would last 4 or 5 hours, but nobody complained. Why?

The manifest presence of God! “lively stones, are built up a spiritual house“

God’s people! The Church! A living spiritual house for the presence of God.

Isa 66:1 Thus saith the LORD, The heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool: where is the house that ye build unto me? and where is the place of my rest?
Isa 66:2 For all those things hath mine hand made, and all those things have been, saith the LORD: but to this man will I look, even to him that is poor and of a contrite spirit, and trembleth at my word.

What is my point?

The one thing I love about Steem Church, the Leadership and Leader @sirknight is this church is committed to that which is most important. We are trying to ease the suffering of our fellow man, while at the same time, declare the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The Great Commission is treated like the Great Suggestion by many. There is a lost and dying world that needs to hear about the saving grace of God. They need to hear of the “Acceptable Year of God’s Favor”. Meanwhile, yesterday I saw 4 little children, malnourished and with almost no clothing.

How can we sit with our over nourished bodies, with all of the creature comforts, extra 10 pairs of shoes, and everything we need and always wanting more, while our brothers around the world barely scratch out a living?

I am not talking about beggars or people that are lazy or don’t care to work. Many are a victim to what their government leaders have done with their country’s wealth.

“A Hand Up, not a Hand Out”

Mat 28:18 And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.
Mat 28:19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:
Mat 28:20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

Teaching them! Not just making converts but making disciples.

That said, rant over

#Steem Church Philippines

One day I believe we will plant some church meeting places. I have an opportunity that will allow us to build a functional meeting place for God’s people. I envision meetings most every day of the week.

We will Build a place to facilitate the following:

  • Preaching the Gospel
  • Making Disciples by training people in God’s Principals concerning life
  • A place where we will feed children before they go to school every school day
  • A place where we will equip ministers to mature them for the work of the ministry
  • We will have youth camps
  • We will provide an affordable place for the local pastor to recharge and receive training.
  • We will also having living quarters for those who would like to visit from other countries.
  • This place will be nice, but not overboard as our investment is people and the Gospel being preached.

We will only build that which we can pay for. No borrowing money or large mortgages.

Thank you for reading and commenting! If you are interested in helping us advance the kingdom, here in the Philippines, please let me know.

I have delegated SP for sc-philippines. There is no way I can do this task alone. I need your help!

God bless!
Daddy William Steem Church Missionary



Thank you @ mhm-philipines, without a doubt the church is not a building, we are each one of us, the church will no longer be on four walls, but it will be on the street, in the communities, in the schools and in all the places that God take us, as it says a song that I love:

We are going to build a room, a better place where God can rest.

// In living stones you chose to inhabit
In weak men your glory show
Built on the cornerstone
We are your church, your home //

Amen! I forgot to add the song to my post. Called making a difference. Perhaps next time! Blessings dear sister!

This message has the support of @steemchurch International Ministry, the community that leads the crusade for freedom through the love of Jesus, freedom of the body, soul and spirit to impact the world. Created on the blockchain steem and expanded to the improved blockchain Telos.

Read more about our vision here

Steemchurch is a community that establishes social projects in countries like Venezuela, Nigeria, Ghana and the Philippines, educating and training children, so that they are men and women who change history tomorrow.


Each time you support with some delegation you will be collaborating with the feeding, education of thousands of children, the restoration of the family, and the promotion of blockchain technology in the world

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Thank you @sc-philippines, these walls will be built soon as Nehemiah built the the old walls of Jerusalem. Thanks for sharing with us!

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