in #steemchurch5 years ago

Beloved Parishioners of SteemChurch International Ministry peace be unto you all. We welcome you all to SteemChurch Ghana's blog, @sc-g.


Beloved in Christ, the truth for many of us suffering, moving ups and downs, struggling here and there is what we will gain or acquire to be used on this Earth. Check it out from many people in this World, how serious and busy they found themselves yearning for money, claiming property, building houses, buying cars, securing good places for their children, go and ask them what are they struggling for in this life, they will tell you that they are laying good foundation of wealth for their children so that they do not suffer in future.

Beloved, through all the life changes, through all the struggles, through the toil, through all the property we are after, preparing to leave a rich living and a sound places, a wealthy living for our children, family or relatives; what are our great vision in this life, is it only through what we will get to be used on this Earth do we have vision? Beloved Christians, "If only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are of all people most to be pitied"(1 Corinthians 15:19NIV).


Brothers and Sisters in Christ our visions and goals are attained when we are able to reach the Salvation ahead of us. Upon all our struggling to get riches or wealth to be used with our relatives we must strive to receive the Salvation crown which is our main vision as Christians. Acquiring property to enjoy better living is very good, no doubt about that, but we lose our precious life the Kingdom of Heaven when we lack the "Salvation Crown." Many of us are gearing towards what we will get and use on this Earth neglecting the Salvation that we will get when our bodies are rested from this Earth. The Bible always put us in remembrance that if we are acquire the whole World and lose our lives, it meaningless, since we spend just few days on this Earth. Apostle Paul, who has always being witnessing for Christ after he has had a change mind during the time that he was with the World, has being focussing on this "Salvation Crown" that he will get, upon all that he struggles to get to be used on this Earth. That is why repeatedly saying that yo him, if we get what we will eat, and whay we will use to cloth ourselves, it should be enough for us. Paul said, not that he has received something yet, or already achieved the goal or vision, but he continuously pressing on to get to that goal or vision, and that is "the Salvation Crown" through which God Almighty has called him.

Philippians 3:12-14(NIV)

"Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.

Beloved, in this life we need to press on for our Salvation crown, though we are striving hard as Christians, what we will use to survive daily and leave behind for our family; we agree that life in this manner has not being easy, but we should how difficult it will be when we are turned down for not deserving the Kingdom of God. But many people do not know the reason why they should press on for their Salvation. The Devil who has been a destroyer is seeking and working hard now and then to secure his goals and vision. And the Devil will never stop pressing on his goal or vision, that why we Christians should also press on for our goals or visions to be achieved. We never give up fight not until we win. Thanks to everyone for much effort we have been releasing for we know our hustle in this hard times will never be in vain, may the Lord Almighty bless us all, Amen!



Thanks for the admonition @sc-g.

The salvation crowd truly to the deceived has lost relevance because of how man has exalted vanities.

But God is eternal who will reward everyone according to his deeds with his body.

One thing I picked; having food and clothes, let’s be content and be focused on the high calling of God in Christ!

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Excelente publicación.

True. Thank you for sharing

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