in #steemchurch7 years ago (edited)

Good morning church,today we shall be considering a subject widely misunderstood by some and hardly obeyed by others.let's start out by defining terms:Tithes-Offering-Verse.png
What is tithe:tithe is the one tenth of all our substance and increase or earning.
What is seed: A seed is a fertilized grain enclosed in a fruit which grows into a matured is the ultimate precursor in a chain of defined precursors. God does not bless our tithe rather our tithe increases our seeds. You pay tithe from the works of your hand and the work of your hand is the seed you are sowing. tithes.jpgOur anchor Scripture is Mal 3:10-11(amp)

  1. Bring all the tithes(the whole tenth of your income ) into the store house that there may be FOOD(MEAT)in my house and prove me now and see if I will not open turn windows of heaven for you and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.
  2. And I'll rebuke the devourer(insects and plagues ) for your sake and he shall not destroy the fruit of your ground, neither shall your vine drop it's fruit before the time in the field,says the lord of host.
    So from that Scripture we see our seeds gives value to our tithe. 2Cor 9:10 says
  3. And God who provides seed for the sower and bread for eating will also provide and multiply your resources FOR sowing and increase the fruits of your righteousness which manifest itself in active charity (and charity is giving ).
  4. It is a commandment: Tithing is not for the old testament alone but also for the new testament. God will bless you even if you don't tithe but he will not increase you.
  5. Tithing is an act of gratitude: It's a way of appreciating God for his blessings and applying for more(increase ). God is moved to do more if we appreciate him for turn one he has done.
  6. It is an act of obedience and discipline: God is pleased when he sees his children obey him even in our little capacity. If we. can be in little, he would commit greater things to us because he knows we would handle it well.
    Scripture didn't specifically tell us but let's look at some Scriptures. Neh 13:5
  7. Prepared for tobiah where they laid the cereal offering, the frankincense, the vessels,and the tithe of grains ,new wine,and oil which were given by commandments to the Levites. So from Scripture we can see that we can give tithe from anything we lay our hands to do and if our products aren't easy to mobility, we can convert them to cash.
    Everyone is expected to pay tithes.employers, employees, students (but not from your school fees) ,traders,and personal workers.
    Deu 26:12 says
  8. When you have finished paying all the tithe of your produce and have given it to the Levite, the stranger and the sojourner, the fatherless and the widows they may eat within your towns and be filled.
    God expect our giving to be dinette growth and promotion of the church,So when you give,don't poke your nose trying to find out What your tithe was used for. Remember, it's unto lord.
    1.It preserves our seed.
  9. It increases our seed.
  10. It ensures continuity upon our seed.
  11. It keeps the windows of heaven open above our seeds, So we would not experience dryness in our business.
  12. It keeps the devourer or enemies away from us.
    In conclusion, we should differentiate between our seed and our bread.sow your seed and eat your bread. Find something to do to tithe. Don't ask God for tithe rather ask him for for seed then your tithe will emit.
    Also note that tithe isn't your offering. If it's not one tenth,then it's not tithe but freewill offering.
    May God bless and increase us as we hearken to his word.
    Upvote,and resteem if you find it helpful and a big thank you to the @steemchurch for an opportunity to share God's word.images_10.jpeg

Thi is a controversial topic that has stirred up a whole lot of arguements. Anyways, nice exposition.

Thanks a lot.

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