in #steemchurch7 years ago

Hello friends of the steemchurch community, I have seen with good eyes this initiative promoted by @sirknight and by @steemchurch for which I have decided to join and I thank them deeply for their beautiful work.

I have always thought that between believing and not believing, without a doubt I prefer to BELIEVE. Faith is what makes us believe in God, in his son and in the Holy Spirit even though some people believe that it was invented by other men to manipulate all of humanity.

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What is faith?


For many, people who have faith are those who accept their beliefs without further ado, even if they do not have proof. For example, someone religious might say: "I believe in God." But if you were to ask him why he believes in him, maybe he would respond that they raised him that way or that that was what he was taught. In such cases, it might seem that there is little difference between having faith and being a gullible person.


"Faith is the sure expectation of the things that are expected, the evident demonstration of realities even if they are not contemplated" (Hebrews 11: 1). To be sure that what one expects will be done, compelling reasons are needed to guarantee it. In fact, in the original language, the expression translated "safe expectation" means more than an internal feeling or a mere illusion. So faith implies a conviction based on evidence.
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Having faith is wonderful, knowing that God, although you do not see it, is there for you, that everything happens because he wants it, and that his will is better than what we have planned is comforting. To have faith that everything can be achieved at the hand of God, being in his presence is something of another level.

The word of God says:

Matthew 17:20

He replied, "Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you. "

Source verse

Keeping the faith is sometimes complicated, because things happen that make us believe that we are alone, what is certain is that we should not faint in these situations and have faith that everything will be fine because we are children of God.

If you have faith, and believe in him and his miracles, you will please God. But it is not just about believing because the Bible says so, but admiring the miracles that he gives us, what he does around us.

It is very important that we not only maintain the faith, but that we make others have it, of course in a respectful way without forgetting that each one chooses what to believe. Transmitting the word of God pleases him, and at the same time it fills us with joy, besides that we do not know who we could be saving from a collapse. For the word of God is life.

Once again I want to thank @sirknight and @steemchurch for such a valuable initiative.

God bless you

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