I know there are many hypotheses, theories and other studies about the beginning of the universe and life; As an engineer and scientist, I have read some of them as part of my academic training, but I personally do not believe in them. It is completely impossible that the millimeter perfection of the universe and everything that conforms it has arisen out of nothing by chance and much less of an explosion.Just imagine, I want a car, and I have all the elements or parts to do it, but they are not assembled, I put them in a room full of explosives, I detonated the explosives and when I entered WUAOHHH!!! I have the Ferrari that I've loved so much, no, it's completely impossible.
I will comment on what I believe and in one way or another I have recorded in my life and I believe that it is the truth. The universe was planned, organized and created by something that transcends our understanding, the mathematical precision with which everything was done and located in the expansion that we now call universe was made with a purpose.
In the constitution of life the foundations of life and the creation of everything we know are established, the Greek word GENESIS means in the beginning or origins; In this book of the Bible, God describes us as it was the creation and distribution of the universe, in Genesis 1: 1 it tells us that God created the heavens and the earth, notice that the word HEAVENS is plural, that means that it is emphasized The magnitude of God's creation according to the heavens, we can also conclude that not only refers to the expansion we can see inside the earth, but also to the external expansion, outer space.
A curious fact is that God in his word does not deny in this verse the existence of life on the planet, but suddenly in the verse of Genesis 1: 2 the earth, the CREATION OF GOD, is messy and empty !!, wait a moment ... God is perfect and is a God of order, so how can it be possible that his creation is like this? Well we can talk about this on another occasion, going back to the subject; If we follow the reading by genesis we will notice that God had to organize again everything that he had already created, this word "created" if we read in detail does not appear during the story of the reorganization of the creation of the heavens and the earth, if not until appears the figure of man, the reason for this is that God had already created all the necessary things for the universe to work before Genesis 1: 2 happened.

Well, that was the GENESIS of the UNIVERSE and the EARTH, man was formed from the dust of the earth. Scientifically proven that our body has elements and minerals that we can find on earth and God reveals it in his word. Now, notice again that the word "create" is not used, he says we formed in Genesis 2: 7; God formed a container shovel the life of man, an immovable figure known to us as a body, then made us living beings through the breath of life.
The religious world teaches us that God created man, but ... what part of man I believe? These issues that I have left adrift, will be pending to develop them is my next publications, if you have questions you can do them and with pleasure I will answer them if it is within my reach. I invite you to continue inquiring into the truth of life that God shows us in his word and thus be able to find the abundant life that he offers us.