Honor your parents

in #steemchurch7 years ago

"Honor your father and your mother, as the LORD your God has commanded you, that your days may be long and that it may go well with you in the land which the LORD your God gives you." Deuteronomy 5:16

Parents are some of the most important people in our lives, and often we do not give them the courage they deserve, I have heard many young people describe parents as unjust, I have heard them speak ill of them, they hate them, they hate, they are ashamed of them, but on the other hand they are the ones who dress them, feed them, give them to study, take care of them when they are sick, etc., there are different causes for which the children think that way.

When we are young we do not understand many things because parents act in such and such a way, but I understand that whatever your parents are and how they made you feel you must honor them, since it is a spiritual principle.

There are absent parents in families who do not dedicate time to their children because they are working for the best for them, maybe they are not acting in the best way but we should know how to appreciate the little things, and we must learn to forgive them and love them and understand them. which is the healthiest

When they correct they are hard because they were raised and it is the only way to educate that they know, and they give you what they received, you should put yourself in their place and ask them what they lived when they were little, how many they suffered, to treat you like that, What is the most healthy? Love them and forgive them.

Maybe they have hurt you with words of contempt, but because of their anger problems they have not been able to control their words and without wanting to do so, maybe your parents have wanted to ask you for forgiveness and they never knew how to do it, you should always think the best of your parents.


In my personal experience, as a young man I did not understand why my father and mother treated me like this, I came to think that they did not love me, because they corrected me with the words that hurt my esteem. But when I became an adult, I began to appreciate every correction they gave me, taking the good and discarding the bad, when I realized how was their childhood and what they received I put myself in their place.

I realized that he only reminded me of the bad, but I did not remember my mother's late nights when I got sick, my father's sacrifice so that I would not lack anything to eat, to provide for my needs, to study and had a future, the worries of my mother when I was late, the times that she prepared me food with love and I took her to school, among other things.
I realized that I must honor them, love them and forgive them. When I understood this principle, I began to do better in life, and I saw that the promise of this commandment was fulfilled in my life.

Start today to remember all the good that your parents have done for you, even if it is only one thing, and thank God for your parents today, decide to forgive them, love them and honor them so that your life will go well and your days will be long and of good.


I really like this part when you said "Start today to remember all the good that your parents have done for you, even if it is only one thing, and thank God for your parents today, decide to forgive them, love them and honor them so that your life will go well and your days will be long and of good"

The commandment to honor parents is the only commandment with a promise: "that it may be well with you and that you may live long on the earth" (Ephesians 6: 3). Honor breeds honor. God will not honor those who do not obey His command to honor their parents. If we want to please God and be blessed, we must honor our parents. Honoring is not easy, it is not always fun, and it is certainly impossible in our own strength. But honor is a sure path to our purpose in life: to glorify God. "Children, obey your parents in everything, for this pleases the Lord" (Colossians 3:20).

Honor your father and your mother, are the respectful words and actions that result from an internal attitude of esteem for your position.

The Greek word for honor means to venerate, appreciate, and value. Honor is to give them respect, not only by merit but also by rank. For example, some may not agree with the President's decisions, but still they must respect their position as the leader of their country. Similarly, children of all ages should honor their parents, regardless of whether their parents "deserve" honor or not.
God exhorts us to honor father and mother. He values honoring parents, enough to include him within the 10 Commandments (Exodus 20:12) and again in the New Testament: "Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. Honor your father and your mother, which is the first commandment with promise, that it may go well for you, and that you may live long on the earth. "(Ephesians 6: 1-3)

Is only a fool that will say that his/her parents have done nothing for them, if you sit down and think well you will realize the sacrifices and the pain they go through because of you, Parents are some of the most important people in our lives, and often we do not give them the love, the respect, The caring heart they deserve. We must honour our parents, is a commandment from God

"Honour your father and mother for it is just, so that it may be well with you", this is the first commandment with promise. We should obey and adore our parents because they are God's first gifts to us, angels he specifically put here to nurture us into good adults, morally and spiritually. Everytime people dishonour their parents they are not only offending them, they are also directly disobeying God's law.

I would like to add this post as ** Post of the day **
Parents are the biggest gift of God .. Share your love with parents everyday ...
Paradise lies at the feet of mothers ..
Father is the key to paradise ..

The Bible make us to understand that when we honor and respect our parents our day on earth will be longer, respect is very important that's why this Bible also made us to understand that obedience is far far better than sacrifice.

Thanks for this post

The Bible made it clear that the same cup you use to measure for someone else would be used for you also. If you don't respect your father, your children would do same to you. Father's blessing is unique. Thanks for this article

Honouring our parents is one of the core commandments of God. It's our Christian duty to do so. Thanks for the article.

Honoring our parents prolong our lives...
Thanks for sharing

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