The Day of Purification is in 2018

in #steemchurch6 years ago

2018 MARKS two key anniversaries related to the Land of Israel:

• It has been 1,948 years since the Jews’ expulsion from the Land in 70AD.

• It has been 70 years since the Jews’ homecoming to the Land in 1948.

Expressed as an equation:

70 AD + 1,948 years = 2018

1948 AD + 70 years = 2018

The above equations (date + timespan = 2018) are noteworthy not only because of the mirror symmetry but also the connotation of the numbers 70 and 1948 in Scripture.


In the Bible, the number 70 denotes redemption or an endpoint for Israel:

• The Jews were redeemed from captivity in Babylon in the 70th year (Jer. 29:10).

• God’s plan of redemption for Israel is comprised of 70 weeks (Dan. 9:24-27).

• There are 70 jubilees from the redemption of the Hebrew nation at the Exodus to the calculated 6,000th year from Creation.

• A typical human lifespan is 70 years (Ps. 90:10). Correspondingly, Israel’s greatest ruler, King David, died at the age of 70 (2 Sam. 5:4).

In addition to signifying redemption or an endpoint for God’s people, the number 70 denotes judgment for those who do not know the Lord:

• Babylon was judged in the 70th year (Jer. 25:12).

• There are 70 jubilees from Egypt’s judgment at the Exodus to the calculated 6,000th year from Creation.

And so, biblically, the number 70 signifies redemption, an endpoint, and judgment.


In Scripture, the number 1948 is linked to the birth and rebirth of Israel:

• Abraham, the father of the Nation of Israel, was born 1,948 years from Creation.

• The 19th book and 48th chapter in the Bible (Psalm 48) describe the re-birth of Israel.*

• The numbers 19 and 48 add up to 67, which happens to be the year Israel’s capital, Jerusalem, was restored.

• Bible scholars note that Israel’s 1948 return to the Land is numerically/mathematically predicted in the Old Testament.**

One of the most fascinating links between the number 1948 and Israel is that gold is heated to exactly 1,948 degrees Fahrenheit during the refining process. That gold melts at 1,948 degrees is relevant to Israel because Scripture compares their deliverance during the Tribulation, i.e. Jacob’s trouble, to the refining and purification process of precious metal:

“And I will bring the third part [of Israel] through the fire. I will refine them like silver and purify them like gold. They will call on my name, and I will answer them. I will say, ‘These are my people,’ and they will say, ‘The LORD is our God’” (Zech. 13:9).

Israel’s longest period of trial began when they were expelled from the Land of Israel in 70 AD. The Lord miraculously restored them to the Land in 1948—70 years ago, May 14. If the generation who witnessed the “leafing of the fig tree” is a typical one, spanning 70 years, Israel is about to enter into her final and most terrible period of purification.

“When He has tried me, I shall come forth as gold” (Job 23:10).

The above information was published by T.W. Tramm and is in line with the timing of the Torah Codes discovered for the current year.

THE TRUTH SIVAN 5778 (15th May - 13th June 2018)

This is an extremely high odds Torah Code, confirming when Lord Ra-El will be accepted as The King, Yeshua who has returned... June 2018 also marks His Jubilee year.

The Truth Sivan 5778.jpg


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Whatever happens, it will be pivotal. The Hopi also speak of the (Pahana's) Lord's Day of Purification. They don't mince words about the consequences, either. Billions will die, in their prophecies.

I can`t wait to see the Lord crowned and ruling Earth in Peace and Love forever

Great post! A lot of information , good job ! Good day to you btw ;)

This brings a new clarity to the ancient meaning of these verses, outstanding!

Good news :) !

All the math and signs point to this year and always have. God is truly amazing

Wow💥💥💥 !!!This is AMAZING !!! Very interesting post! I liked 👍

A good article, very useful, contains a lot of interesting information. Have a nice day !

Hi @prime-cleric ! Wonderful post ! Such a lot of information, i like read posts like that ! :)

Another great post and good news of course! Fantastic job !

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