
in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)

Patience be defined or said to be good nutured tolerance of delay or incompetence
We will be looking at Job,which the bible recorded as an upright and patience man.
Job was a man in the land of Uz and one who feared the lord and abstained from evil because he honoured God.
He had seven sons and three daughters and also possessed 7,000 sheep,3,000 camel ,500 yoke of oxen and more,the Bible recorded that job was a wealthy man who feared the lord and offered burnt offering to God.
Then the devil saw all his good works,sacrifice and praises to God and told God that if he should take away all the things Job has,that Job will cause him (God)and God granted Satan permission to do so but ordered and instructed him(Satan) not to touch the live of Job.
And in no time Satan struck and all Job had vanished and in seeing all these things Job praised and worshipped God and shaved his hair to mourn his children and said God give and God has taken Glory be to him.
imagesource As children of God and believers we should be patience and even in the midst of being patient have good attitude in waiting,just as Job even in the midst of Adversary still worshipped and praised God.
imagesource And also as christain we should know that God is aware of what we going through and gives his permission before any harm before us to test us and so we should wait upon him and he will surely answer. imagesource


Patience is all wee need to access all of God's promises

It may tarry but it will surely come what the Bible says

So we really need to be patient

Warm regards


Hi there !!!

We reckon with you that patience is truly a virtue

The story of Job was such an outstanding one of the proof of love and believe for God

We should all learn from it




Persistence is an image of knowledge, on the grounds that exclusive patients anticipate the genuine discovering that life leaves, and lead a quiet and patient life in the ways of God prompts an awesome insight, square with implies peace, love and much leniency

This is a superb message. As offspring of God and devotees we ought to be persistence and even amidst being understanding have great disposition in waiting,just as Job even amidst Adversary still venerated and applauded God.Patience be characterized or said to be great nutured resilience of deferral or inadequacy. And furthermore as christain we should realize that God knows about what we experiencing and gives his authorization before any damage before us to test us thus we should hold up upon him and he will definitely reply. A debt of gratitude is in order for sharing

We as Christians ought not hope to have everything simple and agreeable in this present life, for:

''In this world ye should have tribulation.'' John 16:33

Paul urged his changes over that:

''We should through much tribulation go into the kingdom of God. Acts 14:22

So we should persistently continue hardship and feelings of anguish until the point that Jesus returns.

Presently James utilized two unique words for persistence

Should I say Amen to that?

God is not going to right all the wrongs in this world during this time until Jesus Christ returns, and therefore, we believers must patiently endure and hope the judge is standing at the paths which will lead to
coming of the Lord (Chapter 5:7, 8, 9) This is the ''blessed hope,' of a Christian. (Titus 2:13)

We as Christians should not expect to have everything easy and comfortable in this present life, for:

''In this world ye shall have tribulation.'' John 16:33

Paul exhorted his converts that:

''We must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God. Acts 14:22

So we must patiently endure hardship and heartaches until Jesus returns.

Now James used two different words for patience

Thanks for sharing this post with the steemchurch..... hope to see you around

Tolerance is an image of astuteness, in light of the fact that exclusive patients anticipate the genuine discovering that life leaves, and lead a quiet and patient life in the ways of God prompts an awesome knowledge, approach implies peace, love and much kindness

"Patience is a virtue." We're all familiar with that cliché, and many of us know that patience is listed by Paul in Galatians 5:22-23 as among the fruit of the Spirit. So there's no disputing that the Christian ought to be patient.

An example from the life of Christ illustrates this. Jesus was very patient with his disciples. They were sometimes slow to believe. Even from a merely human standpoint, we can see how frustrating they must have been. How much more irritating it would be for God Incarnate to interact daily with these men. In spite of Jesus' miracles and words of wisdom, they were focused upon themselves and wavered in their belief about who he really was.

To say that was uncomfortable for Jesus would be an understatement. Yet do we find him railing at his disciples over their foolishness and stupidity? Or making fun of them when they make mistakes?


wow great post thanks for sharing with us all i always follow you for more good blog

This is a wonderful message. As children of God and believers we should be patience and even in the midst of being patient have good attitude in waiting,just as Job even in the midst of Adversary still worshipped and praised God.Patience be defined or said to be good nutured tolerance of delay or incompetence. And also as christain we should know that God is aware of what we going through and gives his permission before any harm before us to test us and so we should wait upon him and he will surely answer. Thanks for sharing

Great post on patience. God is producing the character of Christ in our lives! God bless!
Daddy William

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