
in #steemchurch6 years ago

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Honesty is a principle by which a person leads a just and upright life. It is walking on the path of integrity and honour in the demonstration of freedom from fraudulent motive,intention and practices. The people of the world recognise the importance of honesty but are unable to pay its price. It requires that everyone should live within his legitimate means to free our conscience from guilty and condemnation which come with wrong appropriation of resources.

The world today derive the major part of its economic burden from the greed and corruption of those at the helm of affairs while is beyond comprehension. Yet in all these,christian are called to lead the way out of this mad crave for material gain and display the quality of life that is beyond reproach.

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  • For the germination of the seed of God in our lives - Luke 8:15

*As the basis of our meditation and dealing with other - Philip 4:8

*For the position of leadership at any level in the church - Exodus 18:21;Acts 6:3

*As our christian emblem - Romans 12:17; 2 Corinthians 8:21; 1 peter 2:12.

*As our distinguished trademark in a crooked world of today - Philipians 2:15.


The amount or size of what is involved does not matter. The same judgement of a Director -General who diverted #5 billion from public treasury is waiting for his driver who pocketed #5 from the money for the car petrol.

*Preparation of accurate and adequate accounts where and when it is necessary - Daniel 6:1,2.

*Management of asset to avoid misuse attachment of any unholy string - Exodus 23:8.

*Just weight, just measure ,just quality for trading christian - Deut. 25:14-16; Proverbs 11:1.

*Accurate entries of time and movement register


*Covetousness - Joshua 7:20,21; 2 kings 5:20-27. Without doubt, this accounts in the main , for the various cases of falsification, forgery and embezzlement stories in all places.

*Poverty - Psalm 125:3; Proverb 6:30; 30:8,9. Stealing to address poverty will only create a vicious circle of problem which will take longer process to unwind.

*Desire for vain glory - Jeremiah 22:13-15.

*Satanic greed -Eccl. 5:10 -10; Luke 12:15.

*Fear of the future ,fear of the unknown -Matt. 6:25.


*Good name - Proverb 22:1. This sometime attract good fortune material rewards, and prosperity.

*Peace and rest of mind - Eccl. 4:6. A deep quietness without vexation of the spirit. No fear of hired killer or of detection.

*Satisfaction and contentment - Psalm 37:16; Pro. 15:16; 16:8.

*Good conscience - Acts 23:1 24:16; 1Tim 1:5 There is perhaps nothing which hunts like a bad conscience and sense of guilt.

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Stealing has become so popular in our days to the point that it is the means by which many meet their basic necessities. It has reshaped the lifestyle and outlook of many to a point where it is no longer anything to be worried about. But the children of the kingdom have a responsibility to resist this tendency and uphold the light of the gospel. Thus, our testimony and credibility must be guarded jealously as we avoid behaviours which can cast aspersion upon the efficacy of the finished works of calvary

Paul testified that "...but have renounced the hidden things of dishonesty, not walking in craftiness, nor handling the word of God deceitfully; but by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God." (2 Corinthians 4:2). Anyone who is unable to make this declaration without a bite of the conscience should identify his stumbling block and deal with it.

So let ask ourselves this question "Do you have honest intension before doing things you do?"

Thanks for reading.


Hi there

We found your post valuable to the steemchurch community

Thanks for a comprehensive post on honesty

Honesty should be our watchword



Hmmm...Honesty is a nice choice of topic to write on.😏

Know why?

Because Jesus inferred it alot and loved it as well and I'll mention some scenarios.

Jesus Christ had issues with the Pharisees because of this. They could quote the commandments of Moses excellently and teach them as well, but they never lived it out in their lives. Also Jesus inferred honesty when he talks about vain repetitions while praying and about the locations of prayer, if only we be honest as well.

And the scenarios go on and on and on. Christians today fail to honestly live their lives as christians. Christianity is the best thing that has ever happened to humanity and not being honest with it creates a burden for anyone. Because you literally become two different persons(in church and outside of it). But remember that you can only be one person in the site of God. He knows who you truly are and amazingly, he's not judging for it i.e who you truly are. He just wants you to be better. So why the dishonesty?

Honesty should be channeled inward first because it is the broom that removes all cobwebs in our lives, the mop that cleans the floor of our hearts and wiper that clears the windows of our vision or at least try to.

And God respect this!

Thanks Miss!😏

As Christian's, honesty should be our watch word

Nice written


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