in #steemchurch7 years ago

'Grace' is gotten from the Greek word 'chars' which means to rejoice or be merry. Over time I have looked up for grace signs to be specific tiny signs that will bring me to the doorstep of grace, a moment of quiet rejoicing,in finding that the world doesn't comprise of me alone.
Flashback to times where you felt you were alone and you needed some degree of comfort and someone came along the way to your rescue of unsolicited solitude or your phone rang and when received you got this special song made just for you.
I want you to think of the smallest or tiny threads that have held you together when you saw all things falling apart. It is actually those moments we can encounter grace.
Let me share with you this little experience I had in time past sometimes I felt like doing bad things or in otherwords go wayward forsaking my faith because I was broke the thought was so strong, I was at the verge of giving in but something kept me there was this restraining factor that kept me from perpetuating such negative acts and it was and it is the grace of God. If not for that grace I would have been lost in the world and battered with no remedy but His grace was sufficient and is still sufficient for me.
I want to let you know that if all the 7billion people in the world decides to tap from that source of God which God has liberally given to all it is inexhaustible we all cannot finish it. God's grace is enough for you to pull through that situation, it is more than capable for you to overcome, all you have to do is to believe in Him and trust Him diligently and also in the wonder-working action of grace.
God's grace is a therapy that can be administered into any situation no matter the size, extent or dimension if you fail to believe in the grace of God you miss out or rephrased you are totally disconnected from the tangible and intangible benefits, take for example you are inside your house the whole place is hot and uncomfortable and you have this air-conditioner and you have power I mean electricity and the A.C as it is called for short is not connected just there, I bet you will remain uncomfortable because you have what it takes to transform a heaty house permit me to use that adjective into a cool and a winter state of house all you need to do is connect the ball is in your court nobody will do that for you.

Let me tell you or give you this fact that there is favour without grace what am trying to say that Grace is an unmerited favour from an origin to recipient.
Let me share with you the number one act of grace in the world which was shown by God almighty It all began when the world was soaked in the waters of sin and the world had stains all over and that breached the relationship between God and mankind the inhabitants of the world. The world got it life from God and was nothing without that life of God the world needed a restoration of that broken flow or connection between God and them so that the world will not fizzle out because of the absence of life. They needed to be cleansed from their iniquities and washed from their evil doings to be clean again to become one with the Father. What happened next was awesome our Loving Father the creator of the heaven and the earth came to our rescue and gave us the ministry of reconciliation. There was need for sacrifice or an atonement for cleansing to restore the original purpose of creation in conformity with God's design and this sacrifice was not just any sacrifice it needed to be a clean sacrifice one free from any form of stain and iniquities, the sacrifice entails blood washing and an impure blood cannot be use to wash something impure because it still going to produce something impure as result but a pure blood does otherwise it brings out a pure result which led God to giving out his only begotten son for the whole world to be saved and that was and still and will forever be greatest act of grace in the earth, beneath the earth and above.
Christ was pure and sacred without sin and perfect gave himself up to wipe out the misery of mankind restoring us back to God and God approval and endorsement sealed the whole process of Grace, we all didn't deserve that form of awesome treatment from God what baffles me is that we were still in sin when Jesus came to die for the whole world that act of favour unmerited. What else can a Father not do for his children.

I beseech all readers of this post that let us not be weary in well doing but be a partaker and a connector to this grace which God has made available to us all we need to do is just to tap by believing wholeheartedly in God's son Jesus Christ as the only way, truth and the life no man cometh to the Father except by Him and you will be overwhelmed at how this grace transforms within the little space of time,unlimited packages is reserved for those that keys to the affair of God. God's promises and covenant will always be upheld in your life as long as you are in the faith.


Well chosen topic. Thanks for your contribution.

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Upvoted & Resteemed

Beautiful writeup on God's grace. The signs of his grace can easily be seen around us, we don't need to even go far to search for it.

Grace is, therefore, God's unmerited favor - His goodness toward those who have no claim on, nor reason to expect, divine favor. The principal manifestation of God's grace has heen in the form of a gift.

God's grace is the reason why we have to chance to experience redemption from sin and redemption from spiritual death, for we are not conformed by the law but by the grace of God which is always sufficient unto us
We have become sons and daughters of God as a result of Grace which was made possible by Jesus

Brilliant writeup on God's ease. The signs of his magnificence can without a lot of an extend be seen around us, we don't need to attempt and go far to search for it.

Effortlessness is, along these lines, God's unjustifiable support - His integrity toward the individuals who have no claim on, nor motivation to expect, divine support. The essential appearance of God's effortlessness has heen as a blessing.


God is always great, his grace will always guide and lead us to the right part.

Thanks for sharing.

Grace is upon those who trust him and do his will through his word.
God is the only one who can forgive us our sins any time we have gone contrary to his will.
His desire is tinder us successful in life and not to see us fail his love has always guilded those who trust in him and his mercies his been the focus in our lives.
We who call our selves Christ should always find some where in our hearts to forgive those who have done wrong to us and we should. Always be perfect and rejoice because he the lord will forgive us too.

God shows both mercy and grace, but they are not the same. Mercy withholds a punishment we deserve; grace gives a blessing we don't deserve.

In mercy, God chose to cancel our sin debt by sacrificing His perfect Son in our place (Titus 3:5; 2 Corinthians 5:21). But He goes even further than mercy and extends grace to His enemies (Romans 5:10).

He offers us forgiveness (Hebrews 8:12; Ephesians 1:7), reconciliation (Colossians 1:19-20), abundant life (John 10:10), eternal treasure (Luke 12:33), His Holy Spirit (Luke 11:13), and a place in heaven with Him some day (John 3:16-18) when we accept His offer and place our faith in His sacrifice.

Grace is God giving the greatest treasure to the least deserving—which is every one of us.

Very well done.
We truly do not merit God's grace upon our lives but yet, we see its application daily. The air we breathe, the fact that we are alive to see the new day, the fact that we can walk, run, eat and even sleep. All these are gods grace upon our lives. We should appreciate and admire it in every way.

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