in #steemchurch6 years ago


Vow is a covenant or promise which a man make with God in prayer. In other words,vow is what a man decides with God that he will do if God answers his prayer. Many Christians are praying fervently on one thing or the other but couldn't get the answer to it because he is owing God. Vow is what God takes so important because it is a promise between man and God Almighty. That is the reason why many prayers are not answered because of the vow they have made with God and not fulfilling it. God is so interested in vows and He values it because it is a covenant and it is not to be undermine. It is very hard to break a covenant because of the weight between man and God. This is why prayer is very difficult to be answered in such situation. God doesn't take vows with levity hands or handle carelessly as human beings do count things as not necessary. This is what causes hindrance to prayer and will look as if God is not answering prayers.

God is answering prayers because He is not deaf. It is you that should check your life and allow the Holy Spirit to come into your life and reminds you of where you have made a vow to God and not fulfilling it. An adage says "he who borrows small money and not returning it will block him block him from receiving again". This means someone who borrows and refuses to pay back will never borrow from such person again because it will not be given him. The same thing goes for God in terms of vow, when a person refuses to fulfill his vows to God,it cannot be possible for such person to be granted of his/her wishes in prayer.

Some people, because of how big their problem is,they vow to God in a big way which they cannot fulfill in their capacity. Let us be careful because it is not a sin when you don't make a vow to God,it is better for a person to wait on God and when God finally answers his prayer, he can now give to God in his power for thanksgiving. It is a big sin when you vow and not fulfill it,this will hinder prayers.

Ecclesiastes 5:5, "Better is it that thou shouldest not vow,than thou shouldest vow and not pay". The word of God has even warned us sternly in verse 2 that, "Be not rash with thy mouth and let not thine heart be hasty to utter any thing before God! For God is in Heaven and thou upon earth:therefore let thy words be few" In verse 4 again,it says, "When thou vowest a vow unto God,defer not to pay it,for he hath no pleasure in fools:pay that which thou hast vowed " verse 6 continues like this " Suffer not thy mouth to cause thy flesh to sin,neither say thou before the angel,that it was an error: wherefore should God be angry at thy voice,and destroy the work of thine hands?"

There are some who fulfill a vow that is different from what they had with God, For example, a person that tells God he will use a cow for thanksgiving and later uses a ram instead of a cow after God has answered his prayer. This ram cannot be acceptable before God.

Examples of some who fulfilled their vows to God

  • Hannah (1Samuel 1:11-28)
    Hannah told God that she will give her son to the house of God if He gives her a child and she fulfilled her vow

  • Jacob (Gen 28:16-22,Gen 35:3-15)
    Jacob made a vow to God concerning his journey and made it a success,he never forget his vow and he fulfilled it

  • Jephthah Judges 11:30-39
    Jephthah went to war with the children of Ammon and told God if he comes back victorious,that anything that comes out to embrace him will he give to God but unfortunately it was his only daughter. It pained him but had no choice and he fulfilled it.

Brethren, I urge you to pay what you owe to God and your life will forever be sweet and always progress.

Thanks for reading


In summary,it is better not to make a vow to God than promising Him and not fulfilling it. God is always happy when His children pay their vows.

Good to hear from you permanent, Thanks for sharing with Us!


We are always in a hurry to make a vow when we need something from God when we needed something badly....but we end up not fulfilling it. In Samuel Hannah made a promise to God and end up fulfilling it but if were in her shoe we will say how could i give my only son away. Thanks @permanent for sharing

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