What was the church that Christ founded?

in #steemchurch7 years ago

"Every plant that my Heavenly Father did not plant will be uprooted" (Matthew 15:13).

"I'm the way, the truth and the life. Only by Me can the Father be reached. "(John 14: 6)

The true church of the Lord is not a denomination since its origin and foundation are divine. The marks of identity and doctrinal characteristics are clearly established in the New Testament that can be immediately identified among the multitudes of sects and groups that depend on the doctrines and commandments of men for their existence. Determine for yourself what the church founded by Jesus Christ was and is the ONLY one that can save your soul.

But which church among many? Where did so many come from? Everyone has a different answer. But, do not listen to the answers of men, because they are worthless. Let's find in the Bible the correct answer.

When beginning this personal inquiry, remember that in all the churches there are some good and biblical things. However, when a fundamental flaw is discovered in the light, you will know that the church that has it can not be the true one. Then, go ahead searching among others. There is no reason to spend more time scrutinizing all the teachings and practices of a church that is mistaken in some essential point of the gospel.

Ready? Do you have your Bible? Let's start with the largest of all the churches, the Roman Catholic. There is nothing wrong in openly naming this and other churches. There are those who will tell you that it should not be done, and that we should not compare one church with another. Actually, it is not advisable to be extremely sensitive when it comes to naming and analyzing churches, so how would we find the most biblical if we did not? Anyway, we do not do it with a spirit of mockery or with a desire to criticize, but with the healthy purpose of finding the church that Christ built. So, let's proceed.


The Catholic Church has many things that impress - world prestige, wealth, political and economic power, ancient traditions, festivities, ornate cathedrals and chapels and a lot of membership. He says that it is the only true church. However, when we visit and study it, we soon see and hear things that question its authenticity.



We ask the charismatics: "What do you have that other Catholics do not have?" They answer that they have the "gifts of the Holy Spirit," and that the Spirit is using them to renew the Catholic church. We think: Do not your doctrine and your movement imply that other Catholics, including bishops, cardinals and the Pope himself, misbehave who do not have the gifts or praise God in the style of the charismatics? Observing that the charismatics make use of images, venerate the saints and pray the rosary, we ask ourselves: How can the Holy Spirit himself, manifesting himself, as is alleged, in other churches, denouncing such practices and then approving them among the charismatics? The truth is that He does not contradict himself. Could it be that the charismatics have let themselves be influenced by the Pentecostals? In many places, Pentecostalism is snatching many members from the Catholic Church. Will the charismatic movement be the Catholic response to that dangerous threat? After all, why leave the Catholic Church if within it you can have the most impressive and attractive of Pentecostalism - ecstatic languages, the emotional and exciting cult, the music of tambourines and guitars, choruses, prayers out loud, the relief of testimonies and the emphasis on healing? "Renewal"? Or, Pentecostalization? How can the believer take on two contradictory spiritual identities? Or Catholic, or Pentecostal! But, "Pentecostal Catholic" no. Maybe we will find a movement, a church, more consistent, more authentic



Founders: Charles Taze Russell and Joseph R. Rutherford. When it was established: 1884. Main headquarters: Brooklyn, New York, U.S.A. Most well-known publications: "The watchtower" and "Awake".

There is no need to go to the Witnesses: They come where one! Well organized for the evangelistic work, they present themselves as the only people of God. We will listen to you.

They say that Christ came in 1918. We look in the Bible for passages on the second coming and find: "Behold, He is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see Him, and those who pierced Him" ​​(Revelation 1: 7). "Every eye will see you." We thought: Not everyone saw it in 1918. As far as we know, none saw it!


Established: 1609. Founder: John Smythe. It has become one of the largest and most prestigious churches in the world.

Preach salvation through faith alone, a doctrine propagated by Martin Luther. James 2:26 says that "faith without works is dead". Well, we deduce that it is not enough to make a "profession of faith" to be saved. We know that something more must be done, namely: to obey "that form of doctrine" that God has given us (Romans 6:17).

Despite its name "Baptist", it teaches that baptism is not essential for salvation. The Bible says: Repent and be baptized every one of you ... for the forgiveness of sins "(Acts 2:38)" Baptism now saves us (1 Peter 3:21).


Founder: Elena White. When it was established: 1844-1849. Creed: The writings of Mrs. White and the Bible, mostly the Old Testament.

Ellen White is a prophetess and her writings are accepted as inspired. These are attributed the same authority as those of Paul. As for this church we already feel uneasy, well we know that the Bible can not be added. The gift of prophecy ceased when the whole truth was given and all the truth has been given to us in the New Testament (1 Corinthians 13: 8-13, Ephesians 4: 7-16, Jude 3). Therefore, we do not understand how Mrs. Ellen White could be received as a prophetess.


Accepting the Bible as the only creed, announces that to be saved every person has to believe, repent, be baptized for the forgiveness of sins and persevere to the end. The Scriptures say: "He who believes and is baptized will be saved" (Mark 16:16). "Repent, and be baptized ... for the forgiveness of sins" (Acts 2:38). "Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life" (Revelation 2:10).

Emphasis is placed on the grace and love of God, on the sacrifice of Christ and on the need to learn and obey man the sound doctrine of Christ (Titus 2: 1, 1 Timothy 4:16, of living in holiness ( Hebrews 12:14) and to bear much fruit for the glory of God (John 15: 1-8).


Well, what do you think? Is this the church we are looking for? Since we find it biblical in these elementary points, does it seem right to study it more thoroughly? Then let's do it! I INVITE YOU TO FIND THE TRUE LOVE IN OUR CHURCH @STEEMCHURCH


Yeshúa ישוע no fundó niguna iglesia sino que vino a reunir una comunidad que estaban desviada o descarriada el dijo en mateo 15 que fue escrito en hebreo estás palabras: solo he venido por las ovejas perdidas de la casa de israel.

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