Why Doesn't God Get Rid Of The Devil???

in #steemchurch6 years ago

If you could relieve the suffering of another person, would you? Relief workers often rush to a natural disaster to relieve suffering and save the lives of total strangers. So one might ask, 'Why wouldn't God hurry to get rid of the Devil, the one who is responsible for untold human suffering?'


To help answer that question, you might visualize a prominent court case. The murderer, desperate to halt the proceedings, claims that the judge is dishonest in the way he presides over his own courtroom, and he even asserts that the jurors are being bribed by the judge. So countless witnesses are allowed to provide testimony.
The judge knows that the extensive proceedings will cause much inconvenience, and he would like to have the case concluded without undue delay. Yet, he realizes that to arrive at a judgment that will set a precedent for future cases, both parties must be allowed sufficient time to present their side of the dispute.

How does this illustration relate to a challenge the Devil - also called "dragon, " - hurled at our God. This thus raises two important questions ;

  • What accusation did the devil make against our God?
  • When will God get rid of him?

The Setting Of A Moral Precedent.

The devil challenged God's right to rule, even insinuating that God does not deserve to be obeyed. He charged that humans serve God only when bribed with blessings. Satan claimed that under personal hardship all people would "curse" their creator.


Such accusations from Satan required responses that could not be answered simply by show of force. In fact, executing the Devil in the garden of eden would perhaps have suggested to some that the devil was right. So God, processing absolute authority, began legal proceedings to settle such issues in the minds of all observers.

How Much Longer?

Jehovah God is keenly aware that while those legal proceedings take place, humans continue to suffer. Yet, he is determined to close the case at the earliest time possible. The Bible describes him as "the Father of tender mercies and the God of all comfor (2 Corinthians) Clearly,,"The God of comfort" will not allow the devil to live any longer than necessary, nor will he allow the effects of his of his influence to remain.
God will not eliminate the devil prematurely, without the universal court case being completetly finished.

When the issues are finally settled, Jehovah's right to rule will have been thoroughly vindicated.
In due time, God will direct his resurrected son to get ride of the devil and undo all of his works.
Happily, the Bible promises that Paradise like conditions will be found earth wide. As God originally purposed, people will live in a peaceful paradise! "The meek ones themselves will posses the earth, and they will need exquisite delight in the abundance of peace. " (Psalm 37:11:29)


Consider the grand prospect for God's servants that is described in the Bible; "Look! The tent of God is with mankind, and he will reside with them, and they will be his people. And God himself will be with them. And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning not outcry no pain be anymore. The former things have passed away. " (Revelation 21:3,4).


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Upvoted & Resteemed

Good question and analysis. It is a thought-provoking one. People tend to view God as someone wicked when they do not fully grasp what is happening around us. The difference between allowing something to happen and causing it helps us to understand why God isn't responsible for mankind misfortunes.

great notification from you a debt of gratitude is in order for sharing

Great inquiry and investigation. It is an interesting one. Individuals tend to see God as somebody mischievous when they don't completely get a handle on what is going on around us. The distinction between enabling remark and causing it encourages us to comprehend why God isn't in charge of humankind setbacks.

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