in #steemchurch7 years ago

God has given each individual a deeper Intelligence, an Intelligence that isn't influenced by the world, that isn't a result of social molding, an Intelligence that isn't affected by the powerful social impact that exists inside your family and culture.
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This deeper Intelligence inside you is here to direct you, to ensure you and to empower you to find and to satisfy the more prominent reason that has sent you into the world. This deeper Intelligence does not think and ponder like your own psyche, similar to your surface personality, similar to the mind that has been molded by your family and your way of life and your religions.

This is the Mind of God inside you, a more noteworthy Intelligence that lone reacts to God and that is totally nonpartisan and caring with respect to the world. It is here to give confirmation that you will have the capacity to discover and satisfy your more noteworthy reason, the more prominent reason for which you have come here, to serve the world in its current condition and to establish the framework for humankind's future, a future that will be not at all like the past.

This more prominent Intelligence, this profound Intelligence that lives inside you, exists past your brains. It exists past your hypothesis. It exists outside your ability to grasp.

Your work currently isn't to endeavor to grasp or to attempt to control this more prominent Intelligence inside you, however to figure out how to react to it, to perceive its signs and to take after its direction. Your obligation is to perceive this more prominent Intelligence inside you, to take after its signs, to regard its admonitions and to take after its direction as it readies a more noteworthy life for you, as it liberates you from the past, as it liberates you from your own particular dilemmas, as it brings you into new region and makes more noteworthy open doors for you.
Before this more prominent Intelligence can be found, individuals live as indicated by their thoughts and their convictions, and the thoughts and convictions and desires of others. They inhabit the exceptionally surface of their brain, represented by their social molding, administered by their feelings of dread and inclinations and represented by the overarching convictions and states of mind of their way of life. Whether they are conformists or renegades, they will take after this culture. It will decide their reasoning, their sentiments, their choices and their view of the world.Knowledge can be characterized in two noteworthy routes; to begin with, as an associate with the group of realities, certainties, or standards amassed over the span of time from study or examination. Then again, knowledge can likewise be characterized as the enlightenment of the psyche, particularly by the Word of God, prompting delight and expanded joy in God. It ought to be noticed that at whatever point the Bible discusses knowledge and knowing, it is typically in the feeling of knowledge as a brightening of the psyche by the Word of God. Scriptural knowledge is a mix of logical, philosophical, mental, and otherworldly knowledge; and this sort of knowledge is better than some other.

In reference to the knowledge of the Word of God Hosea 4:6 says:

"My kin are crushed for absence of knowledge: Because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will likewise dismiss thee, that thou shalt be no cleric to me: Seeing thou hast overlooked the law of thy God, I will likewise overlook thy youngsters."

As I have dependably stated, knowledge is power since it is a main consideration that controls the procedure of basic leadership and therefore at last decides the course of life. It is the level of your knowledge about a specific subject that decides your capacity to settle on the correct choices about the subject. It is in this light Proverbs 1:29 says the individuals who scorn or despise knowledge do as such at their hazard. Each Christian has to realize that reliance on common knowledge may prompt disappointment, yet godly knowledge ensures achievement.
Do you realize that on the off chance that you find out about God and His Word, it will influence you in settling on blunder proof decisions and choices? That is the reason Proverbs 1:23 says,

"Turn you at my reproof: see, I will spill out my soul unto you, I will make known my words unto you."

The components you require in taking those essential choices are contained in the Bible, prophetic expressions of honest to goodness godly men and what He might want to state specifically to you. What amount of time have you given to learning at His feet? Some think it is an exercise in futility to attempt individual Bible examination while others are resting at midnight. No. You are picking up time. Toward the end, you will acknowledge you invested far less energy and exertion in achieving your objective than the person who never minded to offer need to God's Word.shutterstock_28506304.jpgPhoto_1525704566619.png


Hi there!!!

We found your post valuable to the steemchurch community

We believe that knowledge indeed power

Thanks for sharing




Great post on the power of Knowledge

Knowledge is indeed power mate

Warm regards


When we take a look at the bible you will find out that the bible made so much emphasis on knowledge and wisdom.
Solomon saw the essence of knowledge and he however lauded the importance of knowledge in his songs of Solomon

The truth is when there's no knowledge people are misled into doing things contrary to what is morally right against God or man

This is the thing that we as a christain require. We ought not overlook that learning originates from God and God as it were.

Thanks for this wonderful post. This is what we as a christain need. We should not forget that knowledge comes from God and God only.
Thanks for sharing.

Extraordinary post on the energy of Knowledge

Information is in fact control mate

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