STEEMCHURCH: You will not desire your neighbor's wife- 9 commandment

If Moses were alive, he would surely suffer heart attacks just by seeing how many of us have done what we wanted from the commandments. Surely he would break the stone tablets with the ten commandments: the ninth has been difficult to fulfill for many men and women. I believe that society has become an accomplice of seeing as "SOMETHING NORMAL" that a woman becomes a companion of her brother-in-law or vice versa. Lust envelops them and envelops them in a sexual world, like a carnal drug.
In this modern era where technology seduces us to be more in the world 2.0, some seek to ally with these networks: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. to turn a woman or neighbor into a ((next goal))) an idea that is implanted in her thoughts, and then passes to the word, and then to the action. Then there are the faults, because of me, because of my fault for my great fault.

Why do we fall into temptation?
They are not afraid of the true God, they do not see it as sin. Respect, limits, honesty do not play in your favor. Greed, desire, and even envy go hand in hand, because if you do not know God, you hardly know about these terms. It is not about being the most faithful parishioners and being the most honest. But in the eyes of God primarily, and before society that is a sin and it is wrong to wish your neighbor's partner, and take it to the background is worse.

Many marriages have been broken because some of the two have let themselves be seduced, and worse, by some family member of the couple, a sister who now became the new wife of his brother-in-law. A cousin who took his cousin's girlfriend. A brother who noticed his brother's wife.

"He who looks at a woman with desire has already committed adultery with her in his heart."
(Mt 5-28).

The ninth rule, written, forbids us to desire the spouse of our neighbor, as King David did with Bathsheba, the wife of Uriah.
"One afternoon David got out of bed, walked around the palace's terrace, when he saw a woman taking a bath from the rooftop, the woman looked very beautiful, and David told her about the woman. Bathsheba, daughter of Elam, wife of Uriah, the Hittite. "David sent messengers to take her in. She went to him and he slept with her, who had barely purified herself of her impurity, then went back to her house, the woman conceived and commanded Say to David: "I am pregnant." Then David sent Uriah to the front, to the hardest battle, to die and so it happened, and the Lord told him through the prophet Nathan, "From today on, the sword will not go away from you. home".
(2 Sam 11)

Sometimes, when we want something, we do the impossible to get it, no matter what we have to eliminate. God knows that we are prone to fall into temptation, that is why he knows that it is bad to desire the forbidden. This commandment wants to consolidate and confirm that conjugal fidelity is reciprocal, and not achieve the opposite, a battle for the flesh that is generated through the eyes and pushes evil, is a spiritual struggle.