Worship; The Best Way To Receive From God

in #steemchurch6 years ago

  And behold there came a leper and worshiped him, saying, Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean.  

  The bible was careful in expressing one act the leper did, which caught heaven’s attention, which the spirit of God inspired the writers of this passage to record; it was the act of worship.  

  Worship is an act that evokes the compassion of our father in Heaven, it strikes the God of compassion, and this is exactly what this unknown leper by name did.  

  Humans are very conscious of their needs, inadequacies, lack, difficulties in life and seek solutions with urgency to the problems. This natural attitude is exhibited by believers even in the course of their prayers; they rush to present their request to the father, without any act of worship in appreciation for answers to past request granted. They desire an immediate response to their heart burdens and would never spend an extra- minutes to approach God’s goodness and marvelous acts in the past and present.  

  This act of worship pictured in the story, was written by the father to teach every believer how its heart can be touched, when we choose to worship, and appreciates him before barging his throne with request.  

  True and sincere worship evokes the Father’s compassion- Look at Mark 1:40-41  

  “And there came a leper to him, beseeching him, and kneeling down to him, and saying unto him, if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean. And Jesus moved with compassion, put forth his hand, and touched him, and said unto him, I will; be thou clean.”  

  Dear friends, determine today, that you will never approach God like the way others do; many approach Him, with a fix it now or never mindset, many are full of complains and frustrations of several petitions not answered in their past efforts of prayers. Determine today, that instead of projecting your heart-aches first, you will worship Him, not just with songs, but with a sincere heart full of thanks and appreciation for His goodness and past acts of kindness towards you. Don’t allow the weight of your burdens to determine your rejection of expressions of gratitude to God, for He exists and His above the towering mountains of difficulties that beset you. He desires only one thing from you off all that is of utmost important today. Be like the leper, spend time and worship him and see a turnaround in your life.   

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