PRIDE; the subtle killer

in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)


Pride is a deadly, subtle cancer that creeps in gently into one's life mostimes without prior notice. Pride can cause a lifetime destruction of one's potential. As Christians one strong enemy and the greatest of our lives is the enemy within.

Pride is an over exaggerated or inflated sense of one's self or status, an over estimation of one's self .
The Bible speaking in Romans 12:3 says
For I say , through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith
In this passage we should note the words "more highly " it just simply means that God doesn't want us to possess both superiority and inferiority complex He simply just wants us to have an healthy view of ourselves but not unto Pride.
Once Pride find its environment in us it surely overpowers such one becomes his character and definitely can't be hidden if found Hence the the need for Jesus in our lives because it is in becoming like him , following his footsteps that we overcome Pride, pride is a spirit.

Facts about pride

  1. It is subtle and deadly
  2. Destruction will always precede Pride (proverbs 16:18): in Isaiah 14 the Bible describes lucifer who became proud and ended up in destruction and demotion.
  3. God resist the proud (James 4:6).
    The Bible encourages that we resist the devil and he will flee from us then the Big question is,
    What if God resist you? Who will you run to? Let's resist Pride so that God won't resist us. Another fact is that;
  4. Pride is both cultivated and inherited; Note carefully that in the Bible the Pharisees and Sadducees had this Pride issue and were always at logger heads with Jesus yet they couldn't even notice this in them (Mathew 23).
    Finally the Bible in 1john2:16 warned about three powerful portals of entry for the devil that we should guard against
    the lust of the eyes
    the lust of the flesh and
    pride of life.

Hence let's watch, pray and guard against this satanic antics called pride which the devil is using to destroy our lives and glorious destiny.
stay humble cos


Paul said I boast in my infirmity and weakness. Should I be proud of my weaknesses?

He also said boast in the Lord. Sometimes, when we declare what the Lord has for us, I mean His words, the way he said them, it sounds unreasonable and unrealistic and people often see it as pride. How can you judge between pride in God and normal pride?

Wow I love this question just check out for my next post on characteristics of a proud person. The difference would be clear then

Alright. Could you tag me in your comments?

Alright sure I've tagged you there

Pride the chain drawing many of us back.

Hmmm so true

Pride goeth before a fall

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