in #steemchurch6 years ago


Hello lovely Parishioners of the Lord's army for the changing lives messages we share each blessed day.

Today also markes another great day..let all keeping renewing our minds Paul said in Romans 12:2
"Do not be conformed to this world, but continuously be transformed by the renewing of your minds so that you may be able to determine what God’s will is—what is proper, pleasing, and perfect."

We are useless as members of #steemchurch if all we do is to conform to the world around us.To confirm to the world as Paul said ,is to always walk as the unbeliever even after accepting Jesus Christ

We need to prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect wil of God.To do this we have to give all our might to pursuing this - the renewal of your minds.
Because the Bible says ,this is the key to transformation "Do not be conformed to this world but ......."

For us to stand bodily against the world with Christ, we need to deal with the problem with the mind as Paul said we should renew it.

Let consider two sub-topic Here

  • what is wrong with the human mind?

  • Why does our mind need renewal?


Most people think that the mind is still lacking in terms of knowledge ,therefore the reliable source is education.

Paul have a more perfect way of dealing with the mind.In Ephesians 4 :23 "to be renewed in your mental attitude"
The human does not produce result as a computer managing data by sending appropriate information to the heart.

Remember, the mind has an attitude ,therefore it has a spirit .In other words ,our minds have what we call a mindset.It has a posture ,a demeanor,a bearing and bent.
The problem with our minds is that it attitude has fallen.

Our minds have fallen on not seeing God as the ultimate ruler and worthy of praise and worship.Our minds sees to worship our mortal bodies.
The Bible says we have "exchanged the glory of the immortal God for the image resembling mortal man"
That is what wrong with our minds.



God require our service, both physical and spiritual service.So life is all about worshipping .That is ,we are to use our bodies -our whole lives to display the worth of God and all that He is for us in Christ.
In order for that to happen, our minds must be renewed. WHY? ,Because our mind are not by nature God worshipping minds.They are by nature self-worshipping minds.That is why it always needs to be renewed.

Our heavenly Father require us to serve Him in gladness ,let submitte under His throne for a renewal.

@steemchurch we care about you...

This is odsam2 from #sc-g



A blinded Mind can never serve the Lord, therefore it very essential for us to keep renewing our minds for us to prove which is that good and acceptable will of God.
Thanks @odsam2 for this life changing inspiration.

Upvoted and resteemed

In love this Scripture so much:
Romans 12:2
"Do not be conformed to this world, but continuously be transformed by the renewing of your minds so that you may be able to determine what God’s will is—what is proper, pleasing, and perfect."

We need to renew our mind by feeding on God's word daily. The word had the power wipe away every issue that often burdens us and refreshes us our minds to know the good and acceptable will of God. Thanks @odsam2 for this message

Yes we need to renew our mind....Thanks @collinz

Preparation of the mind toward God is very imperetive for every believer, since the devil is very canning and he can lure the unprayerful man easily

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