in #steemchurch6 years ago


Is God still speaking today? Is it possible to hear the voice of God.Christian leaders are confused about this issues.

Some believe that God can guide us and give direction. When we need it.Others say God only speaks to us by what we read in the Bible.I believe that God still speak to us today by His Holy spirit just as He did in Bible times. What do you believe?


There are so many things which hinders us in hearing the voice of God.

Heart Not perfect Before God
"For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to give strong support to those whose heart is blameless toward him."

The people in the Bible times understood the heart to be the seat of :

  1. the emotions or affections
  2. the motives
    3)the intentions of the person.
    God is vitally concerned with these things:

Worldly Affections. Each time all our affections are set on the earthly things rather than Heavenly things, it turns to go against the principle of God .This offends God.
"Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him." 1 John 2 :15 .The Bible tells us to love God with all our heart , Soul ,mind and strength.
"And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind."

Impure Motivate It is amazing to hear Gods voice ,but our motivates are very important.Our motivates truly hinders the hearing of God,like the prophet Baalam.Baalam was persuarded with money so His intentions and motivates became evil. Baalam bartered God -given miraculous gifts for money ,fame and prestige.If God sees this we will be severely judge us.

Wrong Intentions
Ananis and Sapphire were pretending to give all their money to the work of the lord ,but were really keeping back much of it for themselves ,Because their intent was wrong ,God kill them.
Oh ! how we need to guard our affections,motives and intentions to make sure they are pure.God knows our heart ,doesn't He ?
"For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart"
We can't hide these things from the lord.And if we don't keep our hearts right in His sight,we will not hear Gods voice.

Hardness Of Heart


"Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts."
Our heart ,receive and out of it comes our every actions.The heart always connects with the mind ,therefore, if our heart is harden we reject the word of God.Our actions are as a result of the things we recieve and understand.A broken heart show submission to the word of God and also act according to the word of God.
God sees the heart and judges from our heart.

Unforgiveness Stops Gods Voice......

God is a forgiving father and also expect us to forgive others.
When we forgive, we turn the joy of God and He draw us closer to Himself.He hears us and also speaks to us.
When we fail to forgive ,we hinder God from speaking to us.Because God hurt sin and does not allow sin.
Immediately we forgive ,there is always a return of Gods voice.

Since we are children of God,He wants us to know His ways and also want us to hear from Him.
"The spirit himself bearth witness with our spirit that we are children of God. "

How we need to hear His voice !We can only live by hearing every word that continues to proceed from Gods mouth to our heart.

Have a nice day and stay bliss.....

This is @odsam2 from #steemchurch, #sc-g and #teamghana



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This message is very deep, I really appreciate how always you teach us the word of God @Odsam2

Yea,this is so true,God speaks to us in different way,but one of the sure way is through his word,he speaks also to us in visions,dreams,inner witness.and as we train our spirit man in the things of the spirit we have a clearer understanding of how he speaks to us.nice post @odsam

good to hear odsam2 thanks for sharing this posts

Thank you too

welcome to you

Hello! I find your post valuable for the wafrica community! Thanks for the great post! @wafrica is now following you! ALWAYs follow @wafrica and use the wafrica tag!

Yea,this is so true,God addresses us in various way,but one of the beyond any doubt route is through his word,he talks likewise to us in visions,dreams,inner witness.and as we prepare our soul man in the things of the soul we have a clearer comprehension of how he addresses us.nice post @odsam

Thank you

This message is very deep, I really appreciate how always you teach us the word of God @Odsam2,sc-gh much love to us all

Thank you

Godis always speaking and we have to create the atmosphere on order to hear his voice.
thanks bro

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