Do not love the money. Love God and you can achieve eternal life.

in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)

Dear community of @steemchurch, considering that today has degraded human values, gererando that inequality is present in society and is very important between rich and poor, I want to present an analysis of money and its role in the children of God. "Money is for protection." (Ecclesiastes 7:12)

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Since the origin of the history of humanity, money has been important, because it allows us to acquire what we need, but the love for money is what makes the difference between the children of God. "The love of money is the root of all kinds of harmful things" (1 Timothy 6:10). Certainly the children of God must see money as a means of protection to live and not as a means of happiness, we can not take love from money, because Jesus constantly warns us about the danger of money, because you should know that money alone dignify before God, when we use it to meet the needs of others like him.

The biblical warning of Jesus: 'Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass', make it clear that we must take into account his teachings regarding the attitude that the human being must maintain before the material; He strongly emphasizes the danger of money and how difficult it is for the rich to acquire eternal life. The economic bonanza of a Christian must always be received with thanksgiving, because it is a gift from God, but also as a tempting proof of fidelity, because the Most High will be aware of the use that will be made of the 'talents' given.
So, brothers, let us reflect on Jesus' warning regarding money, and understand that those who have been blessed with money and prosperity must fulfill God's will, and help those who need it most, in the same way we must understand that material is only that material, and it will never give us happiness. In this regard, King Solomon in the Bible mentions three problems for those who are lovers of Money:
"The abundance that belongs to the rich does not allow him to sleep" (Ecclesiastes 5:12).

The one who loves "the silver [will never be satisfied with silver", nor the one who loves "the wealth [,] with the income" that he can obtain (Ecclesiastes 5:10).
The temptation to violate the law:
"He who hastens to gain riches will not remain innocent" (Proverbs 28:20).

Definitely, these are aspects that characterize those who love money and that is why many evils are generated and sins are propagated in the world, which begin by establishing inequalities until the death of our neighbors. Greed for money can transform man and lead him to cross the road, between being with God or being with the devil and doing all bad things that come from darkness.


Money is very deceptive (Mark 4:19). He has the power to make people believe that he can buy happiness and security, but that is just a myth. Even so, "it solves many problems" (Ecclesiastes 10:19, The Word of God for All). For example, money is used to buy basic things like food and medicine (2 Thessalonians 3:12).

Do not let yourself be deceived and do not fall into the temptation of money, because take it as something necessary but allow it to become the center of life, my dear friends of @steemit in life there are many of value and that simply with the love of God in our hearts we can fulfill the will of D

"And he who gives seed to the sower, and bread to the eater, will provide and multiply your seed, and increase the fruits of your righteousness, that you may be enriched in everything for all liberality, which produces through us thanksgiving to God. "(2ª Co 9: 9)

Money is very deceptive (Mark 4:19). He has the power to make people believe that he can buy happiness and security, but that is just a myth. Even so, "it solves many problems" (Ecclesiastes 10:19, The Word of God for All). For example, money is used to buy basic things like food and medicine (2 Thessalonians 3:12).

Do not let yourself be deceived and do not fall into the temptation of money, because take it as something necessary but allow it to become the center of life, my dear friends of @steemit in life there are many of value and that simply with the love of God in our hearts we can fulfill the will of D

"And he who gives seed to the sower, and bread to the eater, will provide and multiply your seed, and increase the fruits of your righteousness, that you may be enriched in everything for all liberality, which produces through us thanksgiving to God. "(2ª Co 9: 9)

Through love of God and with his strength in the heart you can surely use the money to please God, that is why I explain what the bible tells us about money:

"It must be used with responsibility and honesty." To avoid the problems that arise from living above one's means, the Bible advises: "Let your way of living be exempt from the love of money" (Hebrews 13:18 13: 5).

Money should also be used to care for the family: "If anyone does not provide for those who are his, and especially for those who are members of his house, he has rejected the faith and is worse than a person without faith" (1 Timothy 5: 8).

Everyone who wants to please God must be generous because God loves the one who gives joyfully (2 Corinthians 9: 7).

So do not forget to "do [good] and share things with others, for such sacrifices are very pleasing to God" (Hebrews 13:16).

The Bible does not condemn debts, but it does warn that "he who borrows is a servant of the man who makes the loan" (Proverbs 22: 7).

It is best to separate some money according to one's possibilities and save it for important things (1 Corinthians 16: 2).

"Do not ruin your health for riches" (Proverbs 23: 4), money will not restore your health, so as advice never allow you to keep in you the love for money and much less to take root in your heart, then from that moment you will not have peace, you always want more money and more power.

Give value to what the family, friends, your physical, mental and spiritual health really have, that helps you balance what the value of money is. Love God and you will learn to see the money as he arranged it, give him the use that God provided, help the neighbor with sincerity.

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Very good Sister! Everything that God gives us is good, we just have to put in the just balance of Him, everything we have. God always first.


No, if you want eternal life you need to repent of your sins and accept what Jesus did on the cross to pay for those sins. And accept Jesus as your Lord. You can love God but loving God alone will not save you.

Hi @barncat, thank you for commenting, your comment is acceptable, but loving God and accepting Christ are not two different concepts, understanding that loving God is keeping his commandments John 14:21.

Loving God and having him in our hearts, will lead us to fulfill his will, to fulfill his commandments also means to recognize what the sins are, what Jesus did on the Cross, it was an act of love for us. Using money according to God's will will take you down the path of God.

Excellent messege Sister! Thanks for sharing, Blessings

Aunque bien necesitamos dinero para obtener ciertas cosas materiales, tambien es cierto que no debemos poner nuestro amor en las riquezas. No nos equivoquemos, la felicidad solo la obtenemos a traves de JESUCRISTO y nadie mas.

El amor al dinero es la raiz de todos los males, es mas... DIOS no necesita dinero para bendecirte y darte lo que quiera, es todopoderoso para darte lo que necesites y lo que desees.

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