STEEMCHURCH - SEVENTH COMMANDMENT - You will not commit adultery.

in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)

A warm greeting Dear friends and brothers
Welcome to my blog
God bless you!

You will not commit adultery.
Exodus 20:14

But I (Jesus) tell you that anyone who looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed
adultery with her in his heart.
Matthew 5:28

God proposed that the sexual relationship between a husband and wife be an exclusive and
intimate bond to strengthen the marriage relationship.

The creation story shows the wonderful purpose of God for men and women and for the marriage
bond. "And the Eternal God said: It is not good for man to be alone; I will make him a suitable help
for him.

"Then the Eternal God brought deep sleep on Adam, and while he slept, he took one of his ribs,
and closed the flesh in its place. And from the rib that the Eternal God took from man, he made a
woman, and brought her to man.

"Then Adam said: This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; This will be called Varona,
because of the man it was taken. Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother, and shall
be joined to his wife, and they shall be one flesh "(Genesis 2:18, 21-24).

Therefore the prohibition of extramarital sex adultery was designed to protect the sanctity of
marriage and show the importance of fidelity.


Our permissive culture lightly considers adultery Some think that this concerns private life and not others. To this is added a trivialization of sexual relationships, which makes us forget that these involve the totality of our being: spirit, soul and body.

In the sermon on the mount (Matthew 5) Jesus extends the concept of adultery to the greedy
look. Adultery does not only concern our acts, but also and first of all to our heart.

The causes that lead to adultery are numerous: the weight of loneliness, the poverty of
communication in the couple, the selfish and exacerbated pursuit of pleasure ... But adultery is
never the solution to the difficulties of the couple. On the contrary, it is a cause of sadness and
suffering for the whole family. It means, above all, to sin against God, who formed this unity
between spouses, and to corrupt his work!


Pleasure is not an objective in itself; it must go together with something bigger, like
communication between spouses. The union of hearts, especially when they have the same bond
with the Lord, a good attitude, listening and giving each other, are the source of this capacity for

The Lord has the power to heal conjugal relationships, relationships that can be hurt so easily. He wants to give the strength to forgive and live a new life in the freshness of a growing
reciprocal love.




Unfortunatelfy Brother Mosdad, Adultery causes many evils in the world, it damages the most beautiful link: The Family.

The potential to use our bodies for the glory of God is emphasized in 1 Thessalonians 4: 3-5: "For the will of God is your sanctification; that you depart from fornication; may each one of you know how to have his own wife in holiness and honor; not in the passion of concupiscence, like Gentiles who do not know God. "


Exactly beloved brother EC the enemy knows the importance of the family and therefore the constant attack on this beautiful link, but when in a marriage God is the head of the home and is the center of the relationship, that union is under divine cover .

Love within marriage is the basis for the foundation of solid and stable families, but if you add good Christian values ​​to it, I am sure any danger that comes close will be defeated. Respecting our marital integrity is a task that must be worked on between men and women in order to avoid Possible mistakes, but above all do not fall into temptations from which then regrets come. Greetings brother. @Mosdad.

this is brother @rubenmedina182 key of the successful marriage is a good base in Christ

Hello brother @mosdac, very good reflection today values have been degraded in society, and adultery is committed, it occurs not only in men but also in women, because the meaning is not understood the celestial union of a couple. Why? because adultery is justified in the search for other satisfactions that are not found in our partners (such as sex for example) but we do not understand that mainly because we allow our married life to become a routine, in responsibilities of home, of work, of family and God is not included in our relationship, who is the only one who has the wisdom to guide us and satisfy our feelings of love, instills confidence and respect and many other values that keeps us away from adultery.

May the love of God live!

if sister today society wants to destroy and distort what marriage means, that is why today more than ever we must be firm on the rock so that no wind can move us.

beloved brother @mosdad excellent reflection, today the man and the woman take little value of marriage, which is why they often lead to commit this type of sin as is adultery, because God is not in the center of their relation.

Well explanatory Mosdad, I think similar:

Adultery comes from the heart
Many people create excuses for their adulterous behavior:

My spouse does not love me
I do not have satisfaction in my marriage
My life at the wedding is unbearable
I can not control myself
But for all these excuses the Bible says: adultery is still sin. The solution to problems in marriage is not adultery.

So today they make excuses to commit adultery and hide in that

The brother publication is very clear. Marital health is essential for the health of the family, unfortunately many people have an emotional disorder and give free rein to their impulses, regardless of the families of others.

Good teaching Lord, we must foster the Christian values that support fidelity in marriage! It is regrettable the index of people who divorce because of this.

Good reflection @mosdad for families of the earth, God only blesses the sexual relationship that occurs within the framework of marriage, so it is important to take care not to sully the bed that God gives us

Great post, adultery is not good and it destroys amazing plan of God which is family.

It is so true, God has the power to heal any broken relationship, we must rely on God for his power to deal with any challenges we face in marriage and not to allow the devil to tempt us to sin when we have issues with our marriage.

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