STEEMCHURCH: Joseph was born with a purpose of God + Spanish Version.

Joseph was Jacob's favorite son, he made a tunic of
colors (Gen.37: 3,4)Second:
Because she was an integral person, she had to report what her
the brothers are doing (Gen.37: 2).Third:
It was Joseph's faith in God that he helped overcome the hatred of his brothers.
Returning to Joseph, if he had been a burden from Potiphar's house he was now in charge of the entire prison. After some time, among his "guests" were also officers of Pharaoh: the chief of the cupbearers and the chief of the bakers. Genesis 40: 9-15: "Then the chief cupbearer told Joseph of the dream he had had:" I dreamed that there was a vine in front of me, which had three branches, and when the vine budded, it blossomed; The grapes were ripened in the bunches, I had the Pharaoh's cup in my hand, I took the grapes, squeezed them in the cup, and then put the cup in Pharaoh's hands, and Joseph said to him, "This is the interpretation of your dream." The three branches are three days, and within the next three days the pharaoh will pardon you and put you back in your charge, you will put the pharaoh's cup back in your hand, just like before, when he was your cupbearer. I beg you not to forget me, please, when everything has been arranged, tell me about Pharaoh to get me out of this, they brought me by force from the land of the Hebrews. nothing here to get thrown in the aunt!"
The dreams of both were of God. That's why he also gave the interpretation. The head of the cupbearers has gone to restore his position. Joseph, knowing that, asked him to tell him about Pharaoh. Verses 20-23 Joseph was a man of integrity, filled with the love of God and his Spirit, a sorrow for the painful and seemingly "unjust" situations that happened, the permanence in the hands of the Lord to be molded and fulfill the purpose and the dreams of God in his life, because God already had great planes ready for him, but before it was necessary for him to go through all those tragedies, that God set out for good, a life to preserve, life to an entire nation, the chosen people.
Some time passed, and now it was Pharaoh's turn to have a dream for which he sought interpretation. Until that moment it was when the chief cupbearer remembered the young Hebrew man who had explained to him and the head of the bakers the dreams they had had a few years before. Immediately, Pharaoh ordered Joseph to be brought and God gave him the interpretation of the dream: Egypt was going to have 7 years of abundance, followed by another 7 years of famine. Pharaoh, therefore, had to act wisely and dispose of a man, who would see to it that the country used the abundant resources of the first seven years to cover the shortages that were to come. Then Pharaoh said to Joseph: The king ordered to release him, the ruler of the people left him free. He gave him authority over all his house and put him in charge of whatever he possessed, with full power to instruct his princes and impart wisdom to his elders. "It was God who sent Joseph to Egypt. "HE SENT IT". Just as Joseph told his brothers after the meeting Jose there understood more the purpose of God on the era of caring for a nation that led him to forget all the process and when he reunited with his family he forgave them he loved them and helped them giving it a special place in egypt.
"And not only this, but we also rejoice in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces patience; and patience, proof; and the test, hope; and hope does not embarrass; because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us. "Romans 5: 3-5. The key to Joseph, in every situation and in every circumstance, in adversity and prosperity, in prisons and palaces, the key was that ALWAYS WAS FAITHFUL TO GOD, Joseph's faith was not a weak faith that changes, just as the wind changes. Joseph's faith was an absolute faith in God. His trust, loyalty and sincerity in the all-powerful God could be felt in his whole life.

The Bible says: "But the Lord is with Joseph (Gen. 39: 2"). And Joseph was with Jehovah, and at any stage of his life, Joseph was with him and we must do the same. Let's take this beautiful example, let's have faith because:

Spanish Version.
José nació con un propósito de Dios.

José fue un hombre de gran integridad, “entendido” y “sabio” (Gén. 41:39). Fue la fe de José en Dios que le ayudo a sobre llevar la envidia, y odio de sus propios hermanos hacia el. José estaba aislado de sus hermanos por varias razones.
José era el hijo favorito de Jacob, le hizo una túnica de
colores (Gen.37:3,4)Segundo:
Por ser una persona integra, el tenia que reportar lo que sus
hermanos estaban haciendo (Gen.37:2).Tercero:
Fue la fe de José en Dios que le ayudo a sobre llevar el odio de sus hermanos.
Los sueños de los dos eran de Dios. Es por eso que también dio la interpretación. Al jefe de los coperos se le iba a restituir su puesto. José, sabiendo eso, le pidió que le hablara de él al faraón. Los versos 20-23 José fue un hombre íntegro, lleno del amor de Dios y de su Espíritu, a pesar de las dolorosas y aparentemente “injustas” situaciones que pasó, permaneció en las manos del Señor para ser moldeado y cumplir el propósito y los sueños de Dios en su vida, pues Dios ya tenía preparado para él grandes planes, pero antes era necesario que pasase por todas esas tragedias, que Dios encaminó para bien, a fin de preservar vida a toda una nación, el pueblo escogido.
Pasó algún tiempo, y ahora le tocaba al faraón tener un sueño para el cual buscó interpretación. Hasta ese momento fue cuando el jefe de los coperos se acordó del joven hebreo que le había explicado a él y al jefe de los panaderos los sueños que habían tenido unos años antes. Inmediatamente, el faraón mandó traer a José y Dios dio a través de él la interpretación del sueño: Egipto iba a tener 7 años de abundancia, seguidos de otros 7 años de hambruna. Faraón, por lo tanto, tenía que actuar sabiamente y dispuso de un hombre, el cual se encargaría de que el país usara los recursos abundantes de los primeros siete años para cubrir la escasez que estaba por venir. Entonces el faraón le dijo a José: El rey ordenó ponerlo en libertad, el gobernante de los pueblos lo dejó libre. Le dio autoridad sobre toda su casa y lo puso a cargo de cuanto poseía, con pleno poder para instruir a sus príncipes e impartir sabiduría a sus ancianos.” Fue Dios quien envió a José a Egipto. “EL LO ENVIÓ”. Así como José les dijo a sus hermanos después de la reunión José allí comprende mas el proposito de Dios sobre el era cuidar de una nación eso lo llevo a olvidar todo el proceso y cuando se reencuentra con su familia el los perdona los ama y los ayuda dándole un lugar especial en Egipto.
“Y no sólo esto, sino que también nos gloriamos en las tribulaciones, sabiendo que la tribulación produce paciencia; y la paciencia, prueba; y la prueba, esperanza; y la esperanza no avergüenza; porque el amor de Dios ha sido derramado en nuestros corazones por el Espíritu Santo que nos fue dado.” Romanos 5:3-5. La clave de José, en cada situación y en cada circunstancia, en adversidad y en prosperidad, en cárceles y en palacios, la clave era que SIEMPRE LE FUE FIEL A DIOS, la fe de José no era una fe débil que cambia, así como el viento cambia. La fe de José era una fe absoluta en Dios. Su confianza, su lealtad y su sinceridad en el Dios todo poderoso se podía notar en toda su vida.

La Biblia dice : "Mas Jehová esta con José (Gen. 39:2"). Y José estaba con Jehová, y en cualquier etapa de su vida, José estaba con el y nosotros debemos de hacer lo mismo. Tomemos este lindo ejemplo tengamos fe porque:
Nobody is going to learn obedience without having suffered suffering. No one is going to produce patience without tribulations. No one is going to achieve the purpose that God has for him without allowing the Lord to develop (and remove) - through processes - what He considers necessary.
It's like that, many blessings and thanks for reading.
I believe #steemchurch should consciously and actively cultivate the art of day dreaming. One of the ways we dream or imagine the future is by meditating on what God says in Scripture about the future. Another important way is by observing others.

We learn from those who are ahead of us, who are more mature, older, wiser, more insightful, perceptive, visionary. People who are further ahead in their spiritual journey than we are.
You are absolutely right, we need teachers to teach and instruct us, just as Elias instructed Elisha. Thank you for reading and sharing, many blessings.
The processes are steps, only to take us higher and are planned by God for our benefit. As for Joseph, for us they are also tools that God planned to develop in us what is necessary for the next step in which he wants to have us. God has a plan and a purpose for our lives and wants us to fulfill that purpose. Are we going to submit to Him? No one will reach step 3 without going through step 1 and 2.
Thus, everyone who wants to be an adult must be a child in first reading. Thank you very much for comment, blessings.
Achieving success or living out our destiny doesn't happen overnight; it comes with a training process that we cannot avoid by cutting short corners. And Joseph's life was a practical testimony of this truth.
Our sufferings (trying times) work patience in us, and of course, build character needed to live successfully.
Thanks for sharing @mirnajvs.
Kind regards.
That's right, the processes come to make us better! For me it is a pleasure to share the word of God, what a good thing you read. Greetings and blessings.
We all was born to fulfile God purpose in life, just as joseph in the bible. No matter what tghe enemy will say or ill do to you , their plans will lead you to your blessing , just as joseph and his brothers.
Thanks for sharings.
As the word says, "to those who love God all things work together for good". Thank you very much for reading, greetings.
Excelente publicacion... Siempre me impacto la vida de José. Es un gran ejemplo de Integridad y fidelidad a Dios.
Joseph had a divine purpose. His life was not always easy and was filled with ups and downs. Yet Joseph found favor with God and he allowed God to use him wherever he went. Where does God want to use you? What is His divine purpose for your life? Are you focused on Him, or are you focused on your circumstances and the situation in which you find yourself? Let God use you to accomplish His divine purpose through you.
The purposes of God for us are mysterious but of great blessing as Jose. Amen for that word
Blessings for you and thanks for reading.
God is great and we know that the wonders that He has for us are mysterious and that sometimes He does not show them like Joseph through a dream, vision or by a person whatever, but at that moment we do not understand what God wants us say, but we start thinking about it and then we forget but what we do not know is that over time everything that is happening is God doing in us to get to show us what he taught us a long time ago. And we got to get great things or be someone important from nothing but God who did everything perfectly if we did not understand at the time as Jose had to go through everything that was not nice but God was preparing for that blessing of the dream. Thanks for sharing
Everything happens but the words and promises of God do not, sooner or later, whatever happens, they are fulfilled and we will see them. Thanks for commenting and reading, greetings.
Making progress or experienced our predetermination doesn't occur without any forethought; it accompanies a preparation procedure that we can't maintain a strategic distance from by compromising. Furthermore, Joseph's life was a reasonable declaration of this reality.
Our sufferings attempting times work persistence in us, and obviously, fabricate character expected to live effectively.
Thanks for sharings.
That's right, these processes come to perfect us for the Great Day in which our King comes for his church. We are happy in this! Greetings, thank you for sharing, blessings.