
In general, it always happens to me that when I am in a public place, people come to me for some reason: to talk to me about any topic or even to ask for advice to solve a problem. What I want to teach you is that if people approach you it does not do so with the intention of bothering you, but because you surely have something good to give. The same happens when we approach Jesus, whom we also seek for many reasons, but I assure you that none of them will be for a bad reason. We can not tell someone "Do not approach Jesus now that your family is destroyed, you would have done it before" or "Why now that you are knocked down you approach Jesus and not when you are financially well?", Because he will always do it The best decision to approach Him motivated by a personal interest that never comes close. We all had some need when we decided to approach Jesus.

Many people have an interest that the Lord forgive all their sins and be saved, others have an interest in receiving physical healing, others to boost their family economy, etc. Are any of them worse or better than the others? In the story of the prodigal son, he arrived at his father's house because he had no food to eat and suffered a serious economic situation; There is no problem in someone approaching Jesus seeking to alleviate their bad economic situation due to bad decisions made in the past.

I have learned to greet everyone with a big smile because I know that everyone endures pain, even if we ignore them. The woman in the New Testament who passed with blood flow for twelve years knew that just touching the mantle of Jesus would heal at that moment, that was her indescribable pain, but she made the decision to approach the Lord. Nicodemus, on the other hand, approached him at night asking for instructions and told him that he had to be born again. We can all have different reasons to approach the Lord, but he has the same solution for all the reasons we have.


Most of the time We nourish our conscience with things that, although they are not sin, prevent us from advancing to a new level in the Lord. There are people who think things like "It's just that my family is like that, everyone has declared bankruptcy, nobody has finished college, it's hard for them to get ahead, then we'll be the same, and our children will be the same and so will our grandchildren." , but the blood of Jesus breaks with each curse, and if you decide to approach and stay by his side, and from you will be blessed your children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and those who were born of you. Christ not only came to comfort you, but came to break the curses forever. Jesus only asks you to approach him and believe him.

In the chapter no. 2 of Matthew we can read that Herod received the visit of the kings who were looking for Jesus to worship him, although the Scripture never says that they were three and rather gives indications, starting from the shame of Herod and the whole city, that could have been many. To shake the king and the whole city, it is strange that there are only three individuals. The truth is that, since his birth, there were already kings who wanted to approach Jesus to worship him and glorify his name.

The Word of God says that we are a people of royal priesthood and of kings. That is something that I personally have struggled to understand because I have never seen a king in my life, I have never entered a royal palace and I do not understand the protocols used by royalty. The wise men sought the king of the Jews who had just been born and who was a baby and this did not prevent them from worshiping him in any way. The ethic of the magicians was different from the one we know today, because despite being kings, they prostrated themselves before a newborn when nobody ordered them to do so. The lordship of Christ newborn motivated them to prostrate themselves before Him without being ashamed and they gave him gold, incense and myrrh. When we give tithes and offerings to the Lord, we are not ashamed to do so because that is how we honor and bless the name of the Lord who saved us on the cross of Calvary by taking away all our sins and giving us eternal life.


When you need to raise your hands to heaven to worship Jesus, do it! It does not matter what situation you are in or where you are at that moment. When you want to approach Him, do not hesitate. Do it and declare that He is your king always.

Matthew 9: 20-22: And behold, a sick woman with a torrent of blood for twelve years approached him from behind and >touched the edge of his cloak; because he said within himself: if I touch only his mantle, I will be saved. But Jesus, >turning around and looking at her, said: Have courage, daughter; Your faith has saved you. And the woman was saved >from that hour.

John 3: 1-5: There was a man of the Pharisees whose name was Nicodemus, one of the chief among the Jews. He came >to Jesus at night and said to him: Rabbi, we know that you have come from God as a teacher; because nobody can do> >these signs that you do, if God is not with him. Jesus answered and said to him, "Most assuredly, I say to you, unless >one is born again, he can not see the kingdom of God." Nicodemus said to him: How can a man be born being old? Can >he enter a second time into his mother's womb and be born? Jesus answered: Verily, verily I say unto you, Except a man >be born of water and of the Spirit, he can not enter into the kingdom of God.

John 3: 1-5: There was a man of the Pharisees whose name was Nicodemus, one of the chief among the Jews. He came >to Jesus at night and said to him: Rabbi, we know that you have come from God as a teacher; because nobody can do> >these signs that you do, if God is not with him. Jesus answered and said to him, "Most assuredly, I say to you, unless >one is born again, he can not see the kingdom of God." Nicodemus said to him: How can a man be born being old? Can >he enter a second time into his mother's womb and be born? Jesus answered: Verily, verily I say unto you, Except a man >be born of water and of the Spirit, he can not enter into the kingdom of God.

Matthew 2: 3: On hearing this, King Herod was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him.

Matthew 2: 9-11: They, having heard the king, went away; and behold, the star that they had seen in the east went >before them, until, arriving, they stopped where the child was. And when they saw the star, they rejoiced with> great >joy. And when they entered the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and falling, they adored him; and >opening their treasures, they offered him presents: gold, incense and myrrh.>


I can express in my experience as a Christian that I do not need to follow a protocol made by men to approach Jesus, some usually begin with praises, then ask for forgiveness, then intercession, God needs us to be sincere and open that we approach him with sincerity in the Spirit and really, if you want to praise, you want to pray, if you want to bless his name and exalt it, then do it, you do not need a protocol to reach his throne, I just need a humble heart that wants to approach him to know him, bless him, ask for help, Do not be afraid to express to Jesus all you feel, how bad your heart can be, He already knows, but if you express with sincerity for the condition of your heart, Jesus will reward you for your sincere and humble attitude. God bless you greatly.

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This is right, Most people come to church and believe that we must worship God according to a pattern, a pattern that they have already seen and known.
I want to start a christian contest, how do I go about it?

If God has put in your heart to begin a Christian contest, you will also have the vision of how to do it. God puts love as doing. I invite you to participate in our steemchurch label and preach the word of God for the edification of your church. God bless you greatly.

Thank you for your reply. By the way, How do I engage in steemchurch?

You must create quality content where you express your inspiration of the word of God according to his Word in the bible, you can give good advice, exhort, give words of encouragement, the label is steemchurch, it is the first church of the blockchain and it has lately had a accelerated growth, I invite you to participate every day. God bless you

I appreciate you ma, I will do well to update my blog

We must always be grateful to God at all times and seek to approach us no matter where we are, God is worthy of all honor and glory forever, thank you for sharing excellent message

God is a God of love and even if we fail him He always waits for us with open arms, just like the prodigal son, nothing will separate us from his love. Thanks for sharing sister

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