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RE: A Refiner’s Fire

The true man of God always goes through this process. Just look at Moses, Jesus, Peter, John and Paul. Stephen et al. Nobody said it lasts forever, but it has a design to make us like Jesus. Rom 8:29.
Nobody is looking or likening affliction. Joy does come in the morning,
But if you look at the point of this post. It is to encourage those who have had something happen in their life. Don’t listen to the legalistic naysayers. God still has a future for you.
There is no revelation that will disagree with what God has already said.
This is our defense against being deceived. Plus the anointing of the Holy Spirit teaching us the true meaning of God’s Word.


I believe many of us ARE interested in affliction - not consciously of course but unconsciously.

When it is taught that a man of God experiences and endures through affliction, the good students will desire to experience and endure through affliction too, especially when it is "required" to be a true man of God.

I don't think it is true though that affliction is required to be a true man of God - affliction is a part of life and wisdom is gained through affliction, but I don't think affliction should be honored in such a way that others will aspire to experience the same thing.

In first world countries, legalistic naysayers is mainly a thing of the past, but I have noticed that countries like Africa and maybe the Philippines are tuned into the old legalistic way.

  • The Old Testiment taught an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.
  • The New Testiment taught to turn the other cheek, and that the scriptures must be understood and followed, otherwise you burn in agonizing hell fire for the rest of eternity.
  • The next revelation will probably involve understanding the scriptures and realizing that no one burns in fire unless it is what they desire + believe, and that ultimately, everyone is healed in this eternal game called life.

Universal salvation is definitely not taught by Christ. A lack of the revelation and understanding of the Holiness of God. We either benefit by faith in what Jesus did for us. Him taking our consequences of sin. Or we pay for it in full. The other is a humanistic and feel good approach to God. Not biblical. Jesus even called some children of the devil.

Rev 20:12 And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works.
Rev 20:13 And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works.
Rev 20:14 And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.
Rev 20:15 And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire

The book of Revelation is different than the letters by Paul, and as I understand it, you follow the doctrine of Paul more than the Gospels and the book of Revelation.

If you notice this particular set of scriptures, it says that every man will be judged according to their WORKS, not their faith as the Apostle Paul implies in some of his letters.

The Gospels are also more in line with the book of Revelation in that it requires us to do what Christ did, and experience what he experienced in order to receive what he received. I could quote scriptures from the Gospels and Revelation that point to this but I think a lot of that text will be discarded or reinterpreted, similar to the way that women having to wear covers on their head was discarded, even though the Apostle Paul made it clear that women must keep their heads covered in public.

Another way to interpret hell and destruction is the fact that nothing physical stays the same - everything is destroyed over time (i.e. thrown in the lake of fire).

  • The 5 year old @chrisrice is already gone and in his place is the 33 year old @chrisrice, but it is the same eternal "I am" that witnessed it. The "I am" in us is written in the book of life, but the Chris and William of today is not, we will change form over time, whether or not our bodies actually die.

Nothing lasts forever, except the eternal and ever-present "I am".

Sorry to say, but this is silly and not even close to being biblical. As I asked before, if we are going to hijack my blog, please email me and we will discuss. Otherwise we will shift to no reply and prayer for the blindness to lift.

Okay, William.

I'll send you an email... I forgot about it being listed on your profile.

Thank you.

I sent a message! :)

Hi William @mhm-philippines,

  • You have fixed views about reality and the Bible and are focused on those views to such an extent that you lack interest in talking about anything else, even if it is a topic that runs alongside your views or could broaden your perspective.

  • I don't have fixed views, or at least don't purposely try to fix my views and I am unsure if the ideas I come up with and/or believe are absolutely true, partially true, or in some cases, may not be true at all, but the one thing I am sure of is that "I Am" and I take solace in acknowledging that, that is all I know for sure.

I will unfollow you now since it seems like the right thing to do, otherwise it will appear like I am hijacking your blog. Thank you for your time, I appreciated reading your posts and commenting.

Goodnight :)

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