Parables Evangelist-series-part-11

Mat 13:34 All these things spake Jesus unto the multitude in parables; and without a parable spake he not unto them: That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, saying, I will open my mouth in parables; I will utter things which have been kept secret from the foundation of the world.

My desire and motive for writing this series is to motivate others to share their faith and to become a part of the Great Commission.

Parables are have multiple purposes.

Parables hide the truth from some and reveal the truth to others.
The verses below, Jesus says there is a group it has not been given to understand and another group that it is given to know the mysteries.

Mat 13:10 And the disciples came, and said unto him, Why speakest thou unto them in parables?
Mat 13:11 He answered and said unto them, Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given.

Parables were used to distinguish one group from another.

Strong’s says this.



From G3846; a similitude (“parable”), that is, (symbolically) fictitious narrative (of common life conveying a moral), apoth gm or adage: - comparison, figure, parable, proverb.

A parable is actually told to help understand a truth. The parable itself may not be an actual event or true story, but an anology to help understand a spiritual truth. In the first scripture the Bible says Jesus spoke almost always in parables.

Photo from Trip Advisor

When Jesus walked the earth, the people he was speaking to understood farming so Jesus spoke to them a bout a sowing seed.

A parable is a story put next to a spiritual truth to help you understand the truth. The humble, the sincere, the spiritually hungry, those with a believing heart will be given the understanding.

If Jesus spoke in parables almost exclusively, why don’t we today?

Jesus is our model! I would like to share a story about when I have used parables and there were some great results. The person/s listening were able to understand the truth of the Bible through something they already had knowledge.

The Parable of the Pepperoni Pizza 🍕

Years ago I was was in the projects where the government housing is. This is also where the drug dealers and lots of people just hanging out. It was early mid morning and I was out sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ.
I walked up to this young boy, probably 13 years old. I asked him what his favorite food was. He told me, “pizza”. I asked him what he liked on his pizza. His reply was Pepperoni. Then I asked him what pizza place made his favorite pizza. I forget what his reply was on this.
By this time 8 or more kids were gathering around to see what we were chatting about. The ages were from 13 to 18 years old.
I asked my new friend to imaging the largest pizza he had ever seen, made at his favorite place, with so many pepperoni slices and lots of cheese was in front of him. I told him to imagine he was so incredibly hungry because he had not eaten in a month. I told him a doctor accurately told him that if he did not eat in the next hour, he would die of starvation.

And you, my friend looked at the pizza, and you kept saying, “I know if I eat the pizza I will not die!” You say it over and over. You say it 1000 times over the next hour, but you never eat the pizza.

What is going to happen to you?

He said, “I would surely diie!”

Now my little crowd is getting even bigger.

I said, “You know it is exactly like this with Jesus!” You may believe He died for you. You may believe He rose from the dead. You may believe He is the Savior of the world. You can say you believe 1000 times, but until you “eat the pizza”, or truly surrender you life to Him, repent of your sins and start to live in the new life He provides, you still can die in your sins and wind up in a sinner’s hell. All because your belief had no action. Only in your head, not in your heart.

Wow, this was one of those God moments. There was two 18 year old boys, immediately dropped to their knees and cried out to God for mercy. In front of the entire neighborhood and in front of their friends, truly surrendered to Jesus and in a sense ate the pizza.

These kids understood pizza, hunger and dying.

Joh 6:51 “I am the living bread which came down from heaven: if any man eat of this bread, he shall live for ever: and the bread that I will give is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world.”

The young boy could have said fried chicken and this story would be about chicken.

Just a few ideas to help you share your faith with others.
God bless!
This is part 11 of a practical series on Evsngelism
Your comments are welcome.
Daddy William


Amen hermano christian-trail. Que bueno hablar y comentar de la palabra de Dios por esta plataforma, es buena la ocasión; Dios nos manda a predicar su santo evangelio, en tiempo y fuera de tiempo, y esta es una esas maravillosa oportunidades, en este versículo que habla de la Parábola, Jesús tomaba ejemplos de la vida, para que aquellos que en verdad se interesaban por oír lo que el predicaba y entendieran claramente su mensaje, mas no les era dado aquellos que lo despreciaban. Como dice su santa palabra. El que oye mi palabra y la pone por practica ese sera santo. Amen.

Amen hermano! Amen! Gracias para las palabras buenas y segura! El Señor es podersoso!
God bless!

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