Revelations From God About the Super Blue Blood Moon Event and the End of Days
Yesterday marked the New year for Trees in Israel also known as Tu B’Shvat (Shevat). This is the day when the Jews gauged the age of trees and decided if they bore any fruit or to cut them down. It is marked by the Super Blue Blood Moon as a super sign to both Israel and the Arab Nations that rely on the Moon for their Calendars. It is strange that THIS blood moon was a much deeper red color than previous blood moons, looking almost crimson as though it were actually blood.
Before Yeshua came to the Temple 2,000 years ago he had cursed a fig tree that had leaves but did not bear any fruit. The fig tree was symbolic of Jerusalem and is central to this minor Jewish Holiday but it is not minor by any means in the eyes of God. There are a few times throughout the Holy scriptures that refer to men and woman as “trees”. When Christ gave the parable of the fig tree not baring any fruit and being commanded to be cut down but the gardener pleaded for 1 more year, also plays a role in understanding these final days.
How many of you know that Zechariah is a prelude to the book of Revelation? In the first chapter of Zechariah, he receives a vision regarding the nations at peace during a 70 year period. This 70 year period is a period at the end times relating to Israel.
Here are a couple keynotes to highlight right now.
- Israel is in its 70th year as a Reborn Nation
-We are still within the religious Jubilee year of 5777
-The Blood Moon Tetrad has already occurred in 2014/2015 eluding to 2 more years left.
-This is the last super blue blood moon to occur like this for over a decade and is the only one to fall on a Holy day.
-The majority of Prophecies for Christ’s return have already be fulfilled, just not in the way that American Christians predicted, but these events DO match scripture.
-The Temple Mount was returned to Jewish control in this Jubilee year.
-Jerusalem was recognized as Israel’s capital during the Religous Jubilee year.
These are just some keys to understanding what I am trying to explain here. God is Judging during this Prophetic Jubilee year whether or not his trees are bearing any fruit and whether or not to cut them down. Trees are also symbolic of nations. Israel continues to defy God by not repenting for murdering their Messiah Yeshua over 2,000 years ago. The United States which has been identified as Mystery Babylon has turned its back on God and Gods laws, It fulfilled the Revelation 18 scripture of the queen being very boastful and prideful. Just look at Trump’s State of the Union address the day before this major celestial event.
Does this look like the U.S. President or ANY American is on their knees repenting to God for twisting his words, for feeding its people pharmekia sorcery, or for inflicting wounds upon itself then blaming other, OR, does this look like a prideful nation that is deeply divided against itself?
The Blood Moon Tetrad of 2014/15 was a sign that there was just 2 more left before the final judgment occurs. Meaning, we would only see 2 more Passovers and 2 more Sukkots but we would probably not make it to the 3rd Passover and Sukkot, which is this year. Passover begins 3 days after the end of this Jubilee year on March 30, 2018, through April 7th, 2018. The Religious New Year that God instituted with Moses begins on the First of Nisan 2018 which is March 16, 2018, at sundown, thus ending this Jubilee year and the “Great year of 7″ predicted by Nostradamus. It is no coincidence the prophetic amount of “7s” that has occurred during this Jubilee year.
-Hebrew Calendar of 5777
-2017 Gregorian Calendar
-70th year of Israel being reborn as a Nation
-Donald Trump became President in his 70th year
-This year marks the 70th 7 mentioned in Daniel
-It has been 7 years since the Holy Spirit returned to Earth over the Temple Mount on Jan 28, 2011.
-We are coming to the close of the 7 Year Tribulation.
I bet the last part shocked you? It shouldn’t because the information is available as public source documentation but it is not broadcasted around the world. Instead, this information is HIGHLY suppressed. Yet, these governments know the truth and they hide that knowledge in plain sight. It is no coincidence that certain News agencies have been spreading the News about Nibiru coming, pole shift happening, World War 3 about to break out, or the Queen of England mentioning “enjoy your last Christmas” in 2016… Though like all the others, she got the dates wrong to throw people off, she none the less is part and parcel of the grand design and is “in the know.”
In the first chapter of Zechariah verse 7-17, it talks about how the nations are at rest feeling secure after the 70 years. This DIRECTLY talks about the End of days… Sooo… IT JUST SO HAPPENS that the 24th of Shvat 2018 falls on February 9th, 2018… the day the WINTER OLYMPICS start in South Korea. Coincidence? I don’t think so…. it is no coincidence either that the nations are at rest right now.
This video also goes into detail about Noah’s flood and the timing of it correlating to the 17th of February being the 7 day warning that he gave to Noah. The 12 month or “midnight hour” starts at that time. She also goes on to describe the correlation between Christ cursing the Fig tree that is symbolic of Israel and the cleansing of the temple from the money changers… so the Lord is coming TODAY on Tu B’Shvat to check and see if the tree is bearing fruit and decides the judgment on this day…
Revelation 18 talks about America the queen is Daughter of Babylon and boasts and being prideful. What did we see yesterday? The first state of the Union Adress made by President Trump…. and what was the state of that speech? Prideful Boasting and looking towards the future instead of crying out for mercy and repentance. Coincidence that this happened before Tu B’Shvat? Again I say, NO! It is time to cut down the tree because it has not bared any fruit.
So Let me recap over some very important events
-Israel was reborn as a Nation during a Religious Jubilee year.
-Jerusalem was Recaptured during a Jubilee year
-Lord RayEl was conceived on Orthodox Pentecost June 9, 1968, during a Blood Moon Tetrad.
-The Temple Mount returned to Jewish Control during this current Religious Jubilee Year.
-Jerusalem proclaimed the Capital of Israel during the Religious Jubilee year
-70th Year of Israel being reborn as a Nation Coinciding with the Prophecies listed in Zechariah, Isaiah, and Daniel. Jews have not repented for Murdering Yeshua or brought an end to sin.
-7 years to the day since the Holy Spirit descended over the Temple Mount on Jan 28, 2011.
-7 year anniversary of the “Covenant with the many” on May 21, 2011.
-Last Blood moon that is a Rare Super Blue Blood Moon to fall on a specific Holiday eluded to by Christ for the end of days.
-Blood Moon Tetrad of 2014/15 said we would have 2 years left.
-World War 3 has never been higher
-Armies surround Israel
-The Great American Eclipse signaled the END of America and the last time it happened was when America was founded.
-The Great sign of Revelation Twelve has occurred.
-Lord RayEl tweeted “time’s up” and “Mary… I will”signaling that the Rapture of his bride is Imminent.
-Tu B’Shvat in conjunction with the Super Blue Bloodmoon signals the time God has judged whether or not the Trees (Nations and people) will bare any fruit at the very end of the Tribulation period and final Jubilee year of the Prophecy regarding the 70 years.
-Lord RayEl the Returned Messiah’s Jubilee year will begin on June 9, 2018, when he turns 50 human years old.
We are in the 7th year after Lord RayEl’s Spirit descended to Earth as promised and prophecied to happen. Every threat he has made has been carried out. We are at the door of the 6th seal that is about to be broken and the final chastisement to cleanse the Earth. The Olive branch was extended to the world for peace if the world leaders and people bent their knee, accepted his rule and his solutions to their problems. Nobody has listened, so the past 7 years has been the “Great Tribulation” period. Come to him now because the time for peace is over. The final Celestial Sign has been given.
There are too many events coming together at the same time for any of this to be a coincidence. WE ARE AT THE VERY END! There is LITERALLY not much time left before the final events unfold. REPENT and come back to God before it is too late!
Have a Blessed Day
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Nice post. We all await the coming of christ in sky/cloud. But christ awaits himself to be shown in us. We've got to reflect on this and amend our ways. Shalom!
The moon looked incredible!
I was fortunate to wake up and see it just before the eclipse. Eerie and beautiful, but significant. There's such a massive array of signs and prophecies happening now it's astounding.
It looks like our shared birthday month will be full of surprises!
Well written Sir!