in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)



Leadership itself has been defined as a process through which a person influences and motivates all others to get involved in accomplishment of a particular task. This single definition, although universally accepted,has failed to define the particular paths and ways of people who are deemed as great leaders. All great leaders in history had something unique about them and yet they were bound by greatness that helped them to lead masses to innovation and new ideologies.
Now, the question is WHO IS YOUR LEADER!?
Here on STEEMCHURCH, our leader is the great knight!.
And i think his special quality arises from tbe fact that he is business man and investor that came into the game and deckded to use his treasures to change the world around him.
And i am very sure he will do that by the One steem can feed the world scheme.

Great leaders have the ability to motivate their followers ,and help others see and believe in their vision, and lead innovation whatever faction they may head. Having a great leader at the helm is something that all followers, investors, consumers, and employees want.
And over time the people that have come to be recognized as the greatest of all time were people that did what Sir Knight is currently doing.
They all took it to themselves to change the world Around them.
Here are a few of them.

1.Warren Buffett


– Buffett is one of the most successful investors in the world. Some people have referred to him as the “Wizard of Omaha” (his birthplace is Omaha, Nebraska) and he is consistently named as one of the wealthiest people in the world. He has also pledged to give away nearly 99% of his accumulated wealth to philanthropic causes after his death.

2. Carlos slim helu


He is indeed one of the richest self-made billionaires in the world, chairman of Grupo Carso and also the founder of Foundation Carlos Slim Helu. His efforts through his foundation include supporting already existing programs in education, health, culture, justice and the social well-being of the people of Mexico. Eradication of extreme poverty hence improving the quality of life of the entire Mexican population.

3. George soros


George Soros first began his philanthropy acts by giving scholarships to black South Africans under apartheid. He wants to eradicate extreme poverty in Africa having active programs around the world.

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From the teaching of Jesus where he called himself the shepherd and the believers the sheep.
He made it clear that we can all hear his voice. Unfortunately not all his believers hear from God.
Many people still depend on some middle men by whatever title they are called to know the mind of God for their lives. This trend has spuered the growth of many hirelings posing as prophets. The reasons why people may not be able to hear from God are many; but here are a few. Worried minds cannot access his message. It is obvious that as Elijah received a threat letter from Jezebel be became agitated.
God could not have spoken to him at that moment about the next phase of his ministry. So he had to call him over to horeb. That journey took 40 days, long enough to decongest his mind. A journey of that duration also shows that the reason why many people don't get to hear God is that they are too much in a hurry. Hearing God is no hurried business at all. Remember he is the great king; and doesn't speak under pressure.


Added to this is the lesson from Martha. While Mary sat still soaking in every word from the mouth of the master, she was busy not just making meals but with other vicissitudes of life. What she was doing was legitimate; but for that moment it was not profitable. If you let the devil drown you in the sea of needless activities you will forfeit your chance of hearing directly from God.


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I'll make sure to do so

We all need good leaders to help us accomplish more than we can ever accomplish on our own. They also challenge us to become better people.

Well said sir.
There are certain things we can't achieve alone
We need motivation from a higher source.

A good Shepherd gives His life for the sheep

Yea,this is so so true,we need leaders to help us in our path to destiny,leaders play a vital role in peoples life,they help to mentor,teach and advice those under them,Ephesians 4:11 And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; 4:12 For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: 4:13 Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:

Leaders with philanthropic mindset are important in our society and good thing is giving makes God increase our blessings.

Leaders are shepherds yet they are also sheep. The greatest example of this tension is exemplified in Christ who was at the same time the Chief Shepherd yet also the spotless Lamb who laid down his life for the sheep (Revelation 7:13-17 ; Revelation 14:1-5 ). While a coach sits on the sideline and offers direction, a shepherd stands in the midst of the action and is part of the action himself. Shepherds should always smell like sheep.

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wow great post

For A Sheep to Survive, he needs a Shepherd... The bible made it clear in psalm 23:1 "The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want" As christian we must humble ourselves to be rule by our Shepherd JESUS CHRIST

While a coach sits on the sideline and offers direction, a shepherd stands in the midst of the action and is part of the action himself. Shepherds should always smell like sheep.

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