Advancing the kingdom of God

in #steemchurch6 years ago

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One principal way by which we seek to advance the kingdom of God is to reach out to others who are not yet part of the kingdom, and bring them in. It has been established that the kingdom of God is rule of God over every creature. Those who are not yet under his rule are therefore outside of the kingdom. These are the people we are to draw in. They may include blood relatives like parents or siblings; or they may be neighbours and professional colleagues. God's desire is to have his tentacles spread to them as well.

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This desire is aptly captured in the words of Jesus as reflected in our text of scripture. The bringing in of potential sheep into the fold is a must-do task, and Jesus is committed to bringing them in. The point that all believers must wake up to is that Jesus intends to do this through them.
It is as believers open their mouth to testify of Jesus as the saviour and hope of lost humanity that the holy spirit into operation to convict sinners. Faith for salvation, as for every other biblical blessing, comes by hearing. As the bible says, no one will believe on him they have heard nothing about; and they cannot hear until someone preach the gospel.

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Reaching out to the world of sinners is not a task given to what we traditionally call the fivefold ministry gifts; it is for all who believe and have become disciples of Christ.
When Jesus began his ministry hr elaborated on several basic principles that set apart the new order from the mosaic system.
What he taught on the Mount as recorded in Matthew 5-7 can rightly ne descried as the charter of the kingdom of God.
They are basic principles that regulate not just our relationship with God but with one another. He also taught how those who belong to the new kingdom need to conduct themselves with respect to duties, services, and systems. Choosing to live by those principles which Jesus taught is a way of advancing the kingdom of God.
After all, how we live our lives will either bring admiration to our God or insult to his person.
In this light Jesus taught the disciples, and by extension everyone who believed ever since, to let their Light shine so well to the world, that those who look on will see our Good works and end up giving glory to God.


we noted that one of the ways to advance the kingdom is to share the gospel of Christ to those who are yet to believe. What we need to keep in mind is that there are those who will detest the words we speak, but when they see our good works they will venture to know what make us tick. In other words, the best form of preaching is the one we do with our behaviors. If truth be told, many people shy away from Christianity. Christ-like attitude will draw multitudes to the saviour.

In this message, I want to share with you guys three ways in which we can preach the gospel of God more effectively in a personal level.

Point #1:
Treat preaching as your daily spiritual food:

If there is one Person, who has walked on this earth and who has preached the Gospel in the most efficient manner, it would be our lord Jesus Christ. What made Jesus as a good preacher of the Gospel? What was His motivation everyday? What were His drive and passion?


Point #2:
Just Support the work of the Church
This is the work of the Church OF CHRIST, and you belong to that Church.

Point #3:

Pray for God to bless all our efforts.
Preaching the gospel is the greatest work in the face of the world.
You are privileged and honored to be called in this lifetime of now and be part of this work. But we cannot all do this all alone at all.
This is a very challenging mission that Jesus Christ gave unto us.
If we come and think about it, we are just a small flock compared to the other denominations. We have a small budget and limited resources in doing our God’s work compared to those giant corporations. And yet this is our job. We cannot raise our hands and give up saying to ourselves that this could not ever be done.
Thanks for reading.


Evangelism is a duty for all christians. We can do this in so many ways. We can talk to friends about God's kingdom, we can post about it on our social media accounts and we can go knocking from door to door like early chrristians.

Thanks for your contribution.

Upvoted & Resteemed

Matthew 24:14 helps us to know that until the good news has been circulated all over the earth before the Kingdom will come.

This way no one would have an excuse of not hearing the good news. This preaching work is a work for us all. We should not leave it for a selected few.

Reaching out to the world of sinners is not a task given to what we traditionally call the fivefold ministry gifts; it is for all who believe and have become disciples of Christ.
When Jesus began his ministry hr elaborated on several basic principles that set apart the new order from the mosaic system.

God has given us all we needed in order to reach out to the world

Evangelism is a tool that we Christians must imbibe in other to populate the kingdom of heaven, it's God's main task for Christians on earth

I love this! Many act like it is the Great Suggestion, not the Great Commission!

The point that all believers must wake up to is that Jesus intends to do this through them.
Your point about not just the 5 fold ministry is great! According to Eph 4 the 5 fold ministry is to perfect the saints for the work of the ministry. Ministry is the part of the people in the pews! Imagine seeing people in heaven just because you shared the Good News with them. Hallelujah!
Great and needful message!
Thank you!
Daddy William

The bible says that Jesus didnt come for the rightous . luke 5:32 I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.
I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. These words explain, what is more obscurely and figuratively expressed in the former; it appears from hence, that by "the whole" are meant, "righteous" persons; not such who are made righteous, by the righteousness of Christ imputed to them, but such who were outwardly righteous before men,
who trusted in themselves that they were righteous, depended on their own righteousness, and fancied themselves, with respect to the righteousness of the law, blameless; and so, in their own apprehensions, stood in no need of Christ and his righteousness: yea, even needed not repentance, according to their own thoughts of things, and therefore were not called to it, but were left to their own stupidity and blindness; these were the Scribes and Pharisees; and by the "sick", are meant "sinners"; such whoare made sensible of sin, and so of their need of Christ as a Saviour; and who have evangelical repentance given them, and are called to the exercise and profession of it: and Christ's calling sinners to repentance, and bestowing that grace, together with the remission of sins, which goes along with it, is doing his workand office as a "physician".
Thanks @meetroyalty

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