TAKING STEPS OF FAITH; the inception of steemchurch.org

in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)



Good day parishioners,knowing about the great initiative that has just come up here on steemchurch shouldn't be surprising to anyone, reason being you're also a dedicated member of the steemchurch.
We all must have heard about the new CHEESE! here on steemchurch- the idea of opening a website for the steemchurch. I see this as a great step of faith towards achieving a great goal that is going to be beneficial to every one.
This is why i have created a little flyer/banner for the website. Just my little way of showing support to this great movement.

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Now, i'd love to give a little talk on faith.
It is not only when we pray that we are required to exercise faith; it is also essential in dealing with everyday challenges that may surface. The rule of faith is this; we first talk with God in prayer, and then rise to talk with situations. In confronting a dead situation, Peter first prayed, and then turned to Dorcas, commanding her to arise.
In the bible, there have been some exceptional showcases of faith that have amazed even Jesus himself

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1. The Roman officer
– Matthew 8:5-13

"When Jesus returned ... a Roman officer came and pleaded with him ... Jesus said, "I will come and heal him." But the officer said, "Lord, I am not worthy to have you come into my home. Just say the word from where you are, and my servant will be healed ... When Jesus heard this, he was amazed. Turning to those who were following Him, he said, "I tell you the truth, I haven't seen faith like this in all Israel!"

Here's a man who knew exactly what authority is about. This Roman officer knew that Jesus Christ had such authority that he believed that his request for the healing of his dear servant would be given him without the need for Jesus to personally come, but only needed to "say the word."
Does your faith in God allow you to believe that His word will do what it says?

2. The woman with an issue of blood
Mark 5:25-34

"A woman in the crowd had suffered for twelve years with constant bleeding ... She had heard about Jesus, so she came up behind Him through the crowd and touched His robe. For she thought to herself, 'If I can just touch His robe, I will be healed.' Immediately the bleeding stopped, and she could feel in her body that she had been healed of her terrible condition ... Then the frightened woman, trembling at the realisation of what had happened to her, came and fell to her knees in front of Him and told Him what she had done. And He said to her, 'Daughter, your faith has made you well. Go in peace. Your suffering is over.'"

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This is another powerful story in the bible. This old woman really struggled through the pressing crowds to "just touch [Jesus'] robe," because she had believed she would be healed if she could just do that. She didn't need Jesus Christ to touch her, or speak words to her at all.
She only needed to touch Him and experience His power.
How about you? Does your faith allow you to believe that even just a slight touch of Jesus' presence will heal you of whatever you are suffering from?

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3. The Gentile woman

  • – Matthew 15:21-28*
    "Then Jesus ... went north to the region of Tyre and Sidon. A Gentile woman who lived there came to him, pleading,
    'Have mercy on me, O Lord, Son of David! For my daughter is possessed by a demon that torments her severely.'
    But Jesus gave her no reply whatsoever, not even a word. Then his disciples urged him to send her away.
    Then Jesus said to the woman,
    'i was sent only to help God's lost sheep—the people of Israel.'
    But she came and worshiped him, pleading again, 'Lord, help me!' Jesus responded, 'It isn't right at all to take food from the children and throw it to the dogs.'

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She replied, 'That's true, Lord, but even dogs are allowed to eat the scraps that fall beneath their masters' table.' 'Dear woman,' Jesus said to her, 'your faith is great. Your request is granted.' And her daughter was instantly healed."
Thank you for reading, SK!


We need faith; it is essential in dealing with everyday challenges that we face in our various lives.

The people in the bible that showed exceptional faith are great role models for us to emulate. Their lives are a true testament to the great power in excercising of faith. Thanks for sharing.

great review apostle.

Thanks for your contribution our esteemed parishioner.

Upvoted & Resteemed

This Is so great a message....i really appreciate....keep the word moving

i am honoured.

Yes faith is not only required when one is praying or prays but we must practice it our daily activities in other for it to become part of us. Thanks for sharing

God bless you for your good work here on steemchurch.
Great post and wonderful designs of flyer for steemchurch.
I'm loving this very design,thanks for sharing with us all.

Faith in GOD is the most wonderfull feeling you ever had, No need to worry about any thing GOD is always with us when Faith on GOD.

God is a;ways ready to help us
he is ever by our side.
we only need have faith in God

We must exercise our faith, so that it will grow on all frontal level and, when we put faith In action in our daily lives we would be able to do exceeding things that we will even surprise us, faith is the key to moving mountains

Some times in our Christian journey, we need a step of faith to really bring some things to fulfillment.
God is always there to give us all thing but we need faith in order to get it activated and we need bold step of faith even when we don't see those thing coming physically but with our spiritual mind.
God appreciate our faith in Him

Thanks for this.
This is really a giant step of faith. One thing is to have faith and another thing is to take a step of faith based on what we believe. There are times when we are believing God for something we just need to take some actions. God might have answer such prayers but we might still conform with our previous situation but God is telling us to stand up with boldness that what we ask Him in faith he has done it already

Thank you for your support to the community and the church God will always give you heart to do more things for him.
With faith all things which seems impossible is made possible.

Do not let your self to be desieved
put your trust in the living God and he will always give yiy all you deserve
The more we call our self try Christians and do the things of the Lord the devil will always be there to tempt u through the sins of the flesh like sex, drug and so on .
The devil hasno better plan than to destroy us and take the relationship between us and God away.
Be careful what you do for christ will always be there to see you through even when the enemy is around and this is for those who truelly believe in him and do his will.
For he who believe in the lord will always find peace in him and bring glory to his name.

God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son ... Not …to condemn the world, but to save the world through him” (John 3:16-17). That’s grace! “This man welcomes sinners” (Luke 15:2). That’s grace! ‘”People will be forgiven for every sin and blasphemy” (Matthew 12:31 NRSV). That’s grace! “Whoever comes to me I will never drive away” (John 6:37 NIV). That’s grace

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