Christian mothers do not simply raise.

in #steemchurch6 years ago

Reward of the humility and fear of the Lord are riches, honor and life. Thorns and traps are in the path of the wicked, but he who takes care of his life moves away from them. It instructs the child in the right way, and even in his old age he will not abandon it. Proverbs 22: 4-6.


The upbringing of children is one of the greatest challenges of every mother. I believe that there is not one that is not worried about inculcating in its "sprouts" values ​​and ethical principles that make them men and women of good. All mothers strive to make our children respectful of the rights of others, and responsible in the fulfillment of their duties as citizens of the nation that gave them shelter at birth. I think these are legitimate and praiseworthy desires, and of course they should be priority issues in the education of a child from the early stages of his life.

Being a mother is a very important role that the Lord chooses to give to many women. It is said that mothers should love their children. In Titus 2: 4-5 we read, "... that they teach young women to love their husbands and their children, to be prudent, chaste, careful of their house, good, subject to their husbands, so that the word of God do not be blasphemed.

Direct your children in the choice of good friends; for "he who walks with wise men will be wise" (Proverbs 13:20), and a good friend "is like a brother in times of trouble" (Proverbs 17:17).


Correct your child and give you rest and delight. "... will make you live quietly, and give you many satisfactions" (DHH Proverbs 29:17).

The wife of Manoa and mother of Samson (Judges 13): Although the Bible does not mention his name, no doubt, the short mention made of it, leads us to a good reflection. The mother of the famous judge was God-fearing and obedient. If it were not for the fact that she accepted divine guidance, Samson probably would not have advanced a tenth of what he did in his work as a liberator of Israel from Midianite oppression.

The sunamita, friend of Eliseo (2 Kings 4): Another one that does not have its name registered, but it was the mark of its impetus in favor of that son. Designated only as a Shunammite, that woman measured no effort for her son to be resurrected by the prophet Elisha. She herself made a trip of about 25 km to where the prophet was because he believed in the divine power to give life. Apparently it did not make much sense what she did. But I really was a mother of a deep and consistent faith.

Although it seems obvious, studies have confirmed that the love of the mother deeply influences the development of the child. A document prepared by the Mental Health Program of the World Health Organization states: "Research has shown that babies who are abandoned or separated from their mothers become unhappy and depressed, sometimes to the point of feeling panic". The same document refers to a study that indicates that children who do receive love and attention from a young age usually have a higher IQ.

However, many mothers are not so jealous in the teaching of religious values. We think it is better to leave children alone and religion as a separate issue in their lives. We do this, many times, because we believe that religion and God are blockers of personal development, inhibitors of freedom, because we consider that the commandments of God restrict the capacity for decision and self-determination. Nothing is further from reality.
God does not restrict; on the contrary, it releases. The child who grows trusting in God will have a part of his life resolved; he will only have to follow the instructions of the Lord and subject his life to the divine will in order to be a successful and successful person, even if he is presented with complex situations that are inevitable in life.

In today's world, we have housewives, professionals and technicians, entrepreneurs, politicians, bankers, managers, farmers, supervisors, workers, union leaders, drivers of heavy and light vehicles, mothers who pilot aircraft, scientists, police investigators, authority of communities, provinces and even presidents of nations.

The issue is that, the woman who is a mother also has her needs as a human being of a spiritual, emotional, economic, and social nature; family, etc., which have to be replaced. However, many times she forgets to dedicate herself to her children, in order to be good men and women in the morning, to bring honor to the family and altruism to society. I want to highlight the work, delivery and sacrifice of the single mother, a heroine in Dominican society who, with her tenacity and effort, raises her children to be good citizens.

We, the Christian mothers, have to act convinced of the Word of God, which says: "Train the child in the right way, and even in his old age he will not abandon it". In this way we will lead our children so that they will not only be successful on earthly paths, but also so that, with self-denial and patience, they will walk the path that will take them to the kingdom of heaven. This is a task that begins before the son arrives in this world.

Renowned theologian Horace Bushnell said: "" Home "and" religion "are related words; home because it is the seat of religion; religion because it is the sacred element of the home ».

The Bible does not mandate that every woman be a mother. However, he says, those women whom God blessed to be mothers should take this responsibility seriously.
We will make God real for our children by example.
May God help you fulfill your role as mother.



Children are a gift from the Lord (Psalm 127: 3-5). In Titus 2: 4, the Greek word "phileoteknos" appears. This word represents a special kind of "maternal love." The idea that emerges from this word is to "prefer" our children, "take care" of them, "feed them", "embrace them with love", "meet their needs "," Make a tender relationship "to each one as if it were the only one that came from the hand of God

Being a mother is a very important role that the Lord chooses to give to many women. It is said that mothers should love their children. In Titus 2: 4-5 we read, "... that they teach young women to love their husbands and their children, to be prudent, chaste, careful of their house, good, subject to their husbands, so that the word of God do not be blasphemed. "
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