Live for God and do something for him

in #steemchurch6 years ago

Live and walk with God


Colossians 3: 12.15 Put on, therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience; 13 Supporting one another, and forgiving one another if anyone has a complaint against another. In the way that Christ forgave you, so also do you. 14 And on all these things put on love, which is the perfect bond. 15 And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body; and be grateful. "
God wants to give us strategies to live for Him. Who does not want to live for God?

There are two types of Christians. There is the Christian who has a relationship with God, but that relationship can be described as light, in which he knows that person knows that God is, that he exists, more or less seeks him, comes to church, more or less, to Sometimes he reads the Word, sometimes devotional, if time reaches him, he rarely talks about the Lord with friends, relatives, co-workers, but he is a Christian, does not get involved in strange things, leads a quiet life.


There is another type of Christian who is a bit more seasoned, more inquisitive, more searching, who does not conform, who understands that God is an inexhaustible source of experiences and never tires of seeking, eating, drinking, living, and yearning day by day learn from God. He seeks God with diligence, needs and misses the presence of God in his life, constantly has a praise in his mouth, his thought flies to the presence of God constantly, does not tire of talking about God, has devotional life, needs to feel and to have God close because if he does not feel that he is dying, that he is drowning. It is this type of Christian that we are going to talk about.
We live in a world from which we do not escape, however, there must be in us a need that is above achieving, wanting to excel in the world, wanting to succeed in the world, there must be something more than that and has what to do with God.

We need that every day there is a need in us to want to know how I can live for God, in such a way that He likes me. We can not live the days so that yesterday is the same as today, and today is the same as tomorrow. Every day has to be different, and every day when we go to bed we should make a summary of the day, and say thank you, because at this moment I felt you, at this moment I saw you, at this moment I realized how you helped me.
We have to recount our relationship with God. If we do not do that, we do not learn to differentiate when God acts in our life. The most terrible thing that can happen to us is that we get used to the supernaturality of God.

When one lives for God one learns to see God in everything. In every decision. As our knowledge of God increases, the things that God does for us already see them as normal, small, and thus dangerously we get used to the supernaturality of God. But the Lord longs for us to have an experience with Him every day, God is a daily experience, not a Sunday morning.

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